Ray Zingler (@rayzingler) 's Twitter Profile
Ray Zingler


Owner of Zingler Strength & Conditioning, LLC. — Husband. Father. Mentor. Strength Coach. Working Dog Enthusiast. Hunter. Blood Bought Follower of Jesus.

ID: 274821684

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Ray Zingler (@rayzingler) 's Twitter Profile Photo

-Keep it light with them. -Show them you care. -Take genuine interest in them. -Intently listen to them. -Give them fist bumps & hugs. -Thank them for the opportunity to coach them. It’s amazing how much buy-in you get with athletes when you’re not an asshole to them.

Ray Zingler (@rayzingler) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The majority of an athletes performances aren’t going to be great nor are they going to be awful. They are going to be average or said differently, underwhelming. The objective is not to chase highs or dwell on lows. The objective is to improve your averages. Long game.

Ray Zingler (@rayzingler) 's Twitter Profile Photo

When you first start, people will clap for you. When you get going, people will wonder how long it’ll be before you fail. When you gain traction & establish yourself, the clapping stops. Those who clapped initially will even start to resent your success. Keep going.

Ray Zingler (@rayzingler) 's Twitter Profile Photo

To build something valuable, you have to put in the time. Real time. There are no shortcuts. You have to go the long way. But during this time that is spent taking the long way, you get to learn. It’s real world education that you’ll never get sitting at a desk. Embrace it.

Ray Zingler (@rayzingler) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today’s fitness influencers are “studying” short form fitness content on TikTok & believe they are “cutting edge”. I was studying Russian Training Manuals at 3am, instead of hanging out with friends because I was so obsessed with learning. There are levels to this game.

Ray Zingler (@rayzingler) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Regardless of who the president is or becomes, the winners will still win and the losers will still lose. 1) Control what you can control. 2) Solve problems. 3) Treat others unreasonably well. *Watch how little Deep State pawns impact your day to day life.

Ray Zingler (@rayzingler) 's Twitter Profile Photo

However long you think it’s going to take, double it. However much you think it’s going to cost, triple it. And then plan for unforeseen time delays & additional expenses you’re not even thinking about. Not understanding this is why most fail or quit within 2 years.

Ray Zingler (@rayzingler) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I started Zingler Strength when I was 18. I’ve never had another job in my life. I don’t even know what a job application looks like. Never filled one out. This has been an average day in my life for as long as I can remember. And I’ll tell you this. It never gets old.

Ray Zingler (@rayzingler) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The upcoming generation of fitness professionals are watching highlight reels on IG & thinking, “this looks easy & awesome!” And that’s why the overwhelming majority fail. It’s not “likes”. It’s tens of thousands of hours working in the dark, with nobody for clapping for you.

Ray Zingler (@rayzingler) 's Twitter Profile Photo

If you sell a product or service to consumers, you’re not in the product or service industry. You’re in the people business. And to succeed in the people business, for every hour you allocate to your product or service, 2 hours need to be spent better understanding people.

Ray Zingler (@rayzingler) 's Twitter Profile Photo

There’s never been a more important time to have a quality mentor in the S&C/Fitness space, than now. In a world littered with an abundance of bullshit, having a proven Pro in your corner to guide you through the jungle will be the difference between your success or failure.

Ray Zingler (@rayzingler) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Playing a sport back in the day & “liking working out” are the two worst reasons to get into S&C. The guys who do this not only aren’t qualified, they are more focused on themselves than they are you. They realize their elite IG hype reels don’t pay the bills & then they fail.

Ray Zingler (@rayzingler) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In Year 1, it’s easy to get excited about your clients workout/your social media post. Are you jacked out of your mind to get up at 5am in Year 7 to be a sounding board for your clients? No? That’s why people don’t make it to Year 7. They don’t understand it’s a people field.

Ray Zingler (@rayzingler) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A day in the life with my youngblood. In between each segment of “the workout” we play creative games (that he makes up) and they are of as much value (probably more) than what I’m having him do. Regardless of what you do, focus on fun & processes over outcomes. 🔨

Ray Zingler (@rayzingler) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The most upside in S&C is in the private sector. It’s because what is hardest is going to carry the highest reward potential. It’s not a knock on anyone in the public sector, but when you create, sell, fulfill, & sustain, you can earn more than training who’s appointed to you.

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Anybody can learn to write up an exercise program just like anybody can learn to drive a car. But not everybody can become highly impactful coaches or NASCAR drivers. There is a high level of skill required deeply beyond the surface of prescribing sets and turning left.

Ray Zingler (@rayzingler) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Understanding anatomy, physiology, energy systems, exercise selection, & program design (I just wiped out 90% of your trainers) are the entry level requirements. But relying on the bare minimum will lead to your demise. How you make people feel is what makes or breaks you.

Ray Zingler (@rayzingler) 's Twitter Profile Photo

If training.. Real, ass busting, meticulously planned & progressed training, is not a Top 4 priority in your life, you have no business training anyone at any level. To talk the talk, walking the walk is a non-negotiable prerequisite. They know when you ain’t about it, too.

Ray Zingler (@rayzingler) 's Twitter Profile Photo

After 30, there is always something. I think knowing & accepting this is the secret. Instead of waiting for things to be optimal, understand some sort of adversity is always going to be present. Choose GO, anyway. It’s how you build the resilience that is required to win.