Sheep farmer, gardener, grower,a Nana worried about Climate Change and warming oceans. Don't believe in trickle down theory. Inequality is ruining us...
ID: 1523481680258138112
09-05-2022 01:55:43
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311 Following
Musical Chairs if we generated our own energy through renewables, plus batteries and hydro storage, rather than importing oil from volatile parts of the world, it would probably go a long way to stabilising inflation, eh? Not just the direct cost, but all the flowon cost in other consumer goods
Clint Smith Imagine if we asked a well-resourced building full of brains to come up with a plan to ensure price stability. Would they (a) come up ways to insulate us from volatile energy prices, or (b) wiggle the price of money around and glare at us to 'influence our expectations'?
I'd like to ask Ian Town Ministry of Health - Manatū Hauora a) why is NZ doing practically nothing for #LongCovid when other places incl Aus at least have clinics, guidelines, govt inquiries, biomed research $, prevalence data etc? b) where are all the drs he says are good with post-viral illnesses?
Atlas Network “Freedom’s Champion” 🤪🤪🙄…
WestSide 8345 Shane Jones Shane Jones bloviates nonsense while getting his back scratched.. a cheap manky political windsock that inflates when donors call.
Here's the link to the podcast. Thanks Bernard Hickey…