Rasmus Rothe
Researching, building and investing in Artificial Intelligence to solve the world's most pressing issues @Merantix
ID: 415936310
http://merantix.com 19-11-2011 01:00:50
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Highly specialist portfolios from young firms have a top-quartile hit rate of 61%, representing a 2x increase from the most generalist portfolios. 😎 data work by Level Ventures fam medium.com/level-ventures…

Great commentary from Volker Wissing on EU AI Act in Tagesspiegel Background Digitalisierung & KI: background.tagesspiegel.de/digitalisierun… We need more narrow definitions for high risk areas. Fully agree! But please also make sure we don't introduce higher standards for AI than for humans even for the high risk areas.

Don‘t miss out on Merantix Momentum‘ seminar on how the traditional industry can leverage ChatGPT

100% agree Cyriac Roeding ! Even though we are making progress in Germany, in many other places progress is still much faster...

Great to see the women’s breakfast on AI gaining so much momentum! Well done Nicole BuettnerThiel Janette Wiget. Join next time! Thanks for covering Tanja Buntrock

Planning to build a #GenerativeAI company? Join our breakfast next Tuesday at the AI Campus Berlin featuring Matthias Bethge Johannes Otterbach Janette Wiget aicampus.berlin/event/generati…

Generative AI breakfast on the AI Campus Berlin - in anticipation of #gpt4 launching potentially as soon as this week. Rasmus Rothe Janette Wiget Johannes Otterbach

Wie realitätsfern ist die🚦Regierung eigentlich wenn sie denkt, 🇩🇪 mit diesem Papierchen aus einem Mini-Ministerium an die KI-Weltspitze katapultieren zu können? Ich erinnere: „FORTSCHRITTS“-Koalition! handelsblatt.com/politik/deutsc… Rasmus Rothe KI Bundesverband Handelsblatt Thomas Jarzombek