Jeff Rakestraw (@rakestrawjeff) 's Twitter Profile
Jeff Rakestraw


Grandpa. libertarian. Life is Sacred. Free Markets, Hayek, Bastiat, Locke, Jefferson, Mises. 1913 was a mistake #CutSpending

ID: 1431873422

link calendar_today16-05-2013 01:16:34

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Jeff Rakestraw (@rakestrawjeff) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I need to clear something up. There is no plan to tax everyone’s unrealized income; that would only apply to the super wealthy. BUT…we will have to take a look at everyone’s wealth so we can determine who those super wealthy people are, and make sure you aren’t one of them.

Jeff Rakestraw (@rakestrawjeff) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Watching the TV, it looks like action will now be taken against Hamas. Finally. I mean…um…wait… Isn’t that what they…?

Jeff Rakestraw (@rakestrawjeff) 's Twitter Profile Photo

As our country progresses to older and older presidents, how old of a president do you think we could have? Do you think as this thing continues that we could have a President that is 85? 90? Maybe even a 100 year old president! How old do you think we could go?

Jeff Rakestraw (@rakestrawjeff) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Trump is suggesting there should be penalties for a Vice President who fails to speak up when they know the boss is too old and incapable of performing their duties. I’m looking at YOU, JD Vance.

Jeff Rakestraw (@rakestrawjeff) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I loved the part where they each gave their answers about reducing the deficit and dealing with the federal debt and Social Security. <jk>

Jeff Rakestraw (@rakestrawjeff) 's Twitter Profile Photo

How much does it cost per person per month for groceries? In US dollars. Food, from the grocery store, that you bring home, prepare, and eat. One person for one month.

Jeff Rakestraw (@rakestrawjeff) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Going forward, we should change the makeup of the Electoral College. Each Congressional District would send one Elector based on the votes in that District, and each State would send two, based on that State’s popular vote. This would broaden the election considerably and

Jeff Rakestraw (@rakestrawjeff) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This is a far more substantive debate, and both of these VP candidates are better than the top of the ticket, even though neither is particularly good.

Jeff Rakestraw (@rakestrawjeff) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In my negotiations with my employers I have never threatened to “cripple” anyone and I have never demanded that they not use technology to make things more efficient. It almost feels like that idiot was threatening me. If so, I wish to call his bluff. Shut it down, dude. Don’t

Jeff Rakestraw (@rakestrawjeff) 's Twitter Profile Photo

If I ever say to you, “Stop it! You’re acting like a longshoreman”, you will know what I am saying. Hopefully the shame of being compared to a longshoreman will snap you out of whatever abhorrent crap you are doing at the time.

Jeff Rakestraw (@rakestrawjeff) 's Twitter Profile Photo

That one Missouri ballot issue is about whether adults should be allowed to…something about gambling or whatever. It’s voluntary, and they are adults, so… And then there is something about a tax and where the money would go but that’s after the initial question.

Jeff Rakestraw (@rakestrawjeff) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I can’t help noticing that a lot of you never took any STEM classes, and so it’s hard for you folks to know if anything is real or not. Without knowing how things work or how to prove things, you are at the mercy of whomever is feeding you information.