Rakesh 🔆
ID: 1269471647888621568
07-06-2020 03:30:16
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Varahi Declaration Secularism must be upheld in a manner that ensures uniform response to any threat or harm caused to any religion or faith - తిరుపతి వారాహి డిక్లరేషన్ సభలో JanaSena Party అధినేత శ్రీ Pawan Kalyan గారు. #PawanKalyanForSanatanaDharma #VarahiDeclaration

Communal bum-washer Mohammed Zubair always highlights rape crimes in UP. Rightly so. Whether Yogi, Mamata or Shinde — ALL should be called out. But guess which horrific crime this week he has CAREFULLY AVOIDED highlighting because it doesn’t suit his agenda. 🤌🏽🤡