Sridhar Ramesh (@radishharmers) 's Twitter Profile
Sridhar Ramesh


Born Samuel Langhorne Clemens in rural Missouri. Adopted the pen name "Sridhar Ramesh" from riverboat slang.

ID: 3118488162

calendar_today30-03-2015 19:53:40

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522 Following

Sridhar Ramesh (@radishharmers) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I'd always been told "Michael Caine" as an example of a working class actor. But I just looked up his net worth and it's $60 million. Nothing but lies from Maurice Micklewhite.

🚩Dan Credentials🚩 (@charlemagnumpi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The most important thing to remember about the great foundational thinkers of Western civilization such as Aristotle and Plato is that they were dead ass WRONG. Missed-the-broad-side-of-the-barn-by-a-mile wrong about anything that is observable or measurable.

狼 (@runaway_return) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Sridhar Ramesh I love when this happens. There's a cat Twitter I follow whose bio is inexplicably being read as a Twitter reply by Google translate, even going so far as to invent its own @.

<a href="/RadishHarmers/">Sridhar Ramesh</a> I love when this happens. There's a cat Twitter I follow whose bio is inexplicably being read as a Twitter reply by Google translate, even going so far as to invent its own @.
Sridhar Ramesh (@radishharmers) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The first step to solving the homelessness crisis is to make pictures of what it would look like if they were in houses but had twelve fingers.