Rachel Varley (@rachvarley) 's Twitter Profile
Rachel Varley


Industry Manager at Google. Love for shoes, tech and the odd lychee martini...

ID: 215363584

calendar_today13-11-2010 18:39:26

679 Tweet


280 Following

Woody (@stevenwoodgate) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Confident, communicative, able to take criticism, figure head = today's leader, Thanks, Dame Stella Rimington! #futuredecoded

Rachel Varley (@rachvarley) 's Twitter Profile Photo

My amazing friend Google Serve is #fundraising for @recoverypathway. Donate to Google's JustGiving page justgiving.com/Google-Serve/?โ€ฆ

Rachel Varley (@rachvarley) 's Twitter Profile Photo

@DXdelivery poor service, rearranged delivery three times no one has tried to call me, can't get through to customer service. #dissatisfied