Rachel Power
Chief Executive Officer of the Patients Association (@PatientsAssoc) - views my own
ID: 351746869
09-08-2011 17:49:11
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Catch up on yesterday's webinar on #SharedDecisionMaking Thanks to our Trustees alf collins & Julie Thallon for sharing their insights and experiences. buff.ly/3X5Wp6j

On the 5th September I will be part of the below event with Patients Association , discussing the importance of effective communication supporting informed patients and decisions. Find out more at shorturl.at/Ykubb bringing examples from Bradford District & Craven Partnership

Tues 3/9 I'm chairing a webinar with patient Ram, Chief Exec of Sickle Cell Society John, & Head of Health Improvement & Influencing of Pancreatic Cancer UK Alfie. We'll be discussing how #HealthInequalities affect #patients with #cancer & #blood disorders. Sign up👇🏽patients-association.org.uk/Event/barriers…

Terrific animation on shared decision making Patients Association Do with me, not to me; together.

It would cost £6bn/year for 10 yrs to bring housing standard up to decent level in UK. More than 50 places across England & Wales acting on #SDH in spite of central government inaction, with Scotland now working with @MarmotIHE. I am optimistic & hopeful Keir Stammer will act.

Paul Grundy Yes, Jess Plant is so fab at discussing the experience of #patients and #carers. I think it was the dream team - all of you had such important perspectives to share.

This Patient Partnership week the Patients Association has put together free webinars with a range of topic including 'Empowering patients as equal partners in care' to find out what's to offer this week follow patients-association.org.uk/News/join-us-t… #PatientSafety

Patient Partnership Week is an initiative by the Patients Association to improve healthcare through better patient engagement. Giving patients and their families a say in decisions about their clinical care is vital for #patientsafety Find out more at: nipso.org.uk/our-findings/s…

I am looking forward to this to Miriam Levin