Rachel Baden
Chief of Medicine and Infectious Diseases faculty at Los Angeles General Medical Center
ID: 1466218768074350593
02-12-2021 01:33:00
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I am loving WikiGuidelines today. Really helped our management decisions for a patient with Q fever. Utmost respect and gratitude for these guidelines. Emily McDonald Todd C. Lee Brad Spellberg Kusha Davar, MD MBA MS

LA General, one of the largest public hospitals/trauma centers in the US, is transforming. We've hired 156 new physicians & AHPs in 7 mos. Spectacularly talented people, who will blaze a trail in healthcare innovation. Come join our truly amazing team! [email protected]

Here is the summary of new eligibility criteria for treatment of #HBV from the new World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines. HBV >2000 and ALT >ULN will encompass most of patients in our clinics. IMO patient choice still critical. Hep B Foundation British Liver Trust ICE-HBV

.World Health Organization (WHO) released updated #hepatitisB guidelines at APASL News conference. Here's my recent piece on why many experts favor broader treatment eligibility. hepmag.com/article/people…

So freakin proud of Los Angeles General Medical Center Made possible by the dedication and hard work of so many including Drs Allison Luu, David Chung, Alex Rosenberg, Chase Coffey, Josh Smith and our #Hospitalist Unit Medical Directors and many, many others!!

#PhysicianLeaders Drs. Allison Luu, David Chung, and Alex Rosenberg gettin’ it done. #LeapFrogA long way to come, long way to go. Congratulations Los Angeles General Medical Center

#Hospitalist Dr Chris Lynch and the amazing Los Angeles General Medical Center #SaferAtHome team hosted a delegation from the Singapore Health Ministry. They were here to learn more about our (literally) world class #SaferAtHome program.

We’re hiring in Infectious Diseases at Los Angeles General Medical Center! Join Brad Spellberg, Rachel Baden, Kusha Davar, MD MBA MS, Sarah Rawi Freling, Devin and others as we pave the way in clinical care and innovation in ID, Antimicrobial Stewardship, HIV, HepC, TB and more!