Raphaela Schweiger
Director, Migration, Immigration Society @BoschStiftung | '23 @Yale World Fellow | Dr. phil. @UniFAU | Board Doris-Wuppermann-Stiftung | rt ≠ endorsement
ID: 142791254
https://www.linkedin.com/in/raphaelaschweiger/ 11-05-2010 19:39:12
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Join us at Aspen Ideas Climate to explore how #mayors are turning #climatemigration into an opportunity to build better cities. 👉bit.ly/435Ulh7 Featuring Michael Berkowitz University of Miami Climate Resilience Academy Shana Tabak Climate Migration Council Jaime Pumarejo Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway Anne Coglianese Umair Irfan Vox Media

Thank you UNITAR New York, Costa Rica @ the UN, NZ at the UN, Republic of Korea Mission to the UN🇰🇷🇺🇳, & Global Centre for Climate Mobility for the Expert-level Thematic Workshop on Threats Posed by Sea-Level Rise today. 🇩🇰 is proud to be one of the 12 champion countries of the Coalition to address Sea-level rise and its Existential Threats.

Beppe Sala Mahmood Richard Branson Marta Foresti Hon. Elizabeth Naa Kwatsoe Tawiah Sackey daniele manca Jaume Collboni Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr OBE Livia Firth, MBE Luciano Fontana enrica roddolo Pact4Future: il focus del 26/3 alle 15:00 sarà la Diversità come opportunità con attenzione alle best practice per sostenere l’empowerment femminile e raggiungere la gender equality, e l’integrazione nel mondo del lavoro di immigrati e rifugiati. Iscriviti:rsvpeventi.it/segreteria-org…

🇧🇼 This week, the Global Centre for Climate Mobility is in Gaborone to kick off the Botswana Climate Mobility Deep Dive. This is the next step of the groundbreaking partnership between Botswana Government & Global Centre for Climate Mobility that was established at COP28 through the signing of an MOU.

Pact4Future: il primo momento #People, i sindaci di Milano (Beppe Sala), Accra (Hon. Elizabeth Naa Kwatsoe Tawiah Sackey), Barcellona (Jaume Collboni), Bristol (Marvin Rees) e Freetown (Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr OBE) che partendo dalle loro città tracceranno la rotta per un futuro condiviso

🌟 Apply for the Pathways International uOttawa Refugee Hub Fellowship for Refugee Leaders! 🌟 Apply for this unique opportunity to accelerate your professional growth and contribute to global solutions. There are 2 fellowships available: one for Canada based refugee leaders and one

🌍UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency 2023 Global Trends Report counts 117.3m people forcibly displaced, comprising: - 68.3m internally displaced people - 31.6m refugees under #UNHCR's mandate - 6.9m asylum seekers - 6m Palestinians under #UNRWA's mandate - 5.8m others in need of international protection

📣 Save the Date! Join us for the #ClimateMobility Summit during the United Nations General Assembly High-Level Week! You can express your interest in attending the Summit in person or online here: bit.ly/CMS-Expression…

Mayor Mayor Ron Nirenberg of City of San Antonio and Mayor د. يوسف الشواربه Yousef Alshawarbeh of أمانة عمّان الكُبرى discuss what cities can learn from each other about how to better support refugees and migrants. Produced in partnership with Mayors Migration Council #DevexSeries #RootsofChange #localization