Quinn McKew
Executive Director, ARTICLE 19, Keeping up the fight for freedom of expression and information
ID: 20519138
http://www.article19.org 10-02-2009 15:19:59
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Definitely the #RightToBeForgotten is leading to really bad (and not necessarily unanticipated) outcomes. An European Court of Human Rights recent decision represents a clear blow to integrity of media archives Read ARTICLE 19 story: article19.org/resources/euro…

Freedom of expression lower for 80% of global population than 20 years ago, according to latest ARTICLE 19 Global Expression Report pressgazette.co.uk/media-audience…

The 21st Century has been a disaster for #FreedomOfExpression. More than 6 billion people now have less freedom than in 2000. Our ARTICLE 19 2023 Global Expression Report finds that only 13% of us now live in Open countries. It's time to get worried. A…lnkd.in/eDCumQ_X

How free are we? The answer is not very. More people are not free to speak and know than those who can. Read about it in ARTICLE 19 Global Expression Report.

🚨Evan Gershkovich's wrongful detention in Russia must end now. At the #HRC54, ARTICLE 19 joins The Wall Street Journal lawyers for an urgent appeal to urge nations to unite for #EvanGershkovich's release. 📑via @voanews: voanews.com/a/media-lawyer… #IStandWithEvan ARTICLE 19 UN

We are deeply saddened by the passing of former ARTICLE 19 trustee Heather Rogers KC. Her invaluable contributions and support for media freedom will forever be remembered. Our deepest condolences to her family and friends. Doughty Street Chambers article19.org/resources/inte…

After 37 years as a solid American, I've left the U.S. My wife and I have been living in her home town of Melbourne, Australia since January, shortly before our baby was born. We'd always talked about doing it someday, but something happened last year that forced our hand. 1/ 🧵