QuimSinSos (@quimsinsos) 's Twitter Profile


QuimSinSos is a research group at the University of Oviedo focused on Green Chemistry, Sustainable Solvents, Catalysis, Organometallic Chemistry

ID: 1531993878596833282

linkhttps://quimsinsos.grupos.uniovi.es/ calendar_today01-06-2022 13:39:51

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225 Following

Marina Ramos 🩩 (@marinamrm) 's Twitter Profile Photo

đŸ‘»đŸ‘»Good news!! A part of what will be my thesis has been published in ChemSusChem 
 Special thanks to Alejandro Presa and JoaquĂ­n GarcĂ­a Álvarez !! You are the best!! 💕💕💕

Joaquín García Álvarez (@joaquinga78) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thanks indeed to ChemCatChem for highlighting our recent work in the hybrid combination of Cu catalysis and organocatalysis at the Front Cover. Very proud of the work done by our PhD students Marcos López Aguilar and Marina Ramos 🩩 
 @iuqoem GEQO RSEQ Departamento de Química Orgánica e Inorgánica

Vicente Gotor FernĂĄndez (@gotorfernandez) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Fantastic collaborative work between QuimSinSos and our BioorganicaUOVI. Cover picture plus article in Adv. Synth. & Catal. merging the strengts of both Universidad Oviedo research groups. 👏👏 onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ad

Joaquín García Álvarez (@joaquinga78) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Last lecture of the Green and Sustainable Chemistry course in at the JyvĂ€skylĂ€ Summer School! Thanks to University of JyvĂ€skylĂ€ and Juan Miranda Pizarro for hosting me during the School! I really enjoyed the experience both from academic and personal point of view!😊😊

Last lecture of the Green and Sustainable Chemistry course in at the JyvĂ€skylĂ€ Summer School! Thanks to <a href="/uniofjyvaskyla/">University of JyvĂ€skylĂ€</a> and <a href="/JMPPhos/">Juan Miranda Pizarro</a> for hosting me during the School! I really enjoyed the experience both from academic and personal point of view!😊😊
ChemCatChem (@chemcatchem) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#OnTheCover Synergistic One-pot Tandem Combination of Cu and Proline Catalysis: Stereodivergent Synthesis of Chiral Aldols from Primary Alcohols onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cc
 Joaquín García Álvarez @QuimSinSos Departamento de Química Orgánica e Inorgánica @iuqoem onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cc

#OnTheCover Synergistic One-pot Tandem Combination of Cu and Proline Catalysis: Stereodivergent Synthesis of Chiral Aldols from Primary Alcohols onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cc
 <a href="/JoaquinGA78/">Joaquín García Álvarez</a> @QuimSinSos <a href="/UOquimicaOI/">Departamento de Química Orgánica e Inorgánica</a> <a href="/iuqoem/">@iuqoem</a> onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cc

Arjan W. Kleij (@kleij_iciq) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Less than 2 weeks to apply for a PhD position in ⁊Arjan W. Kleij⁩ laboratory ⁊ICIQ⁩! Focus will be on TM cat #stereoselective #synthesis. Only ONLINE apps are evaluated đŸ“ș, who wants to invest 4 y in groundbreaking research 🔬? RTs 🙏 👍 careers.iciq.org/jobs/4765575-f

RSEQ (@rsequimica) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📱2024 Barluenga Conference: Lectureship & Symposium đŸ—“ïž3-4 octubre 2024 âžĄïžacortar.link/cWJzXd

📱2024 Barluenga Conference: Lectureship &amp; Symposium
đŸ—“ïž3-4 octubre 2024
CĂĄtedra Cogersa de EconomĂ­a Circular (@cogersacatedra) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Esta mañana hemos asistido a una interesante visita a las instalaciones de Cogersa, donde ha recibido su gerente, Paz Orviz y hemos presentado la cåtedra ante investigadores y representantes del sector de la madera. Una jornada muy aprovechada. #economiacircular

Esta mañana hemos asistido a una interesante visita a las instalaciones de <a href="/cogersaasturias/">Cogersa</a>, donde ha recibido su gerente, Paz Orviz y hemos presentado la cåtedra ante investigadores y representantes del sector de la madera. Una jornada muy aprovechada.

Andreu (@antorna) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Are you a motivated master student and looking for a PhD position? Would you like to start with me at the university of Fribourg? Do you know someone that could be interested? Send them the info or help me sharing this post! #Chemistry #HiringNow

Are you a motivated master student and looking for a PhD position? Would you like to start with me at the university of Fribourg? Do you know someone that could be interested? Send them the info or help me sharing this post! #Chemistry #HiringNow