Greg T (@qdfbaniguess) 's Twitter Profile
Greg T


Jesus loves me,this I know, cuz the Twitter tells me NO.
Not to lean on my own understanding and definitely not on yours.Ohio First. SAFO Stick around find out.

ID: 927532264229101568

calendar_today06-11-2017 13:44:59

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884 Following

Axiomatic Enemy of the State (@detocqueville14) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Speaker Mike Johnson Congress has an immediate obligation to drastically reduce spending and to stop bankrupting the country. Shut the government down and leave it that way.

Defiant L’s (@defiantls) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Obama announcing the death of bin Laden vs. Trump announcing the death of al-Baghdadi will forever be one of the funniest videos on the internet.

Greg T (@qdfbaniguess) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Cam Higby 🇺🇸 Most awesome thing to happen in my lifetime, Hell yeah, so badass it's making me rethink Christianity, J/K about that part, precedent Angel got 185k Assyrians, and of course Entebbe. Do not F with these people.

Rob (@_rob_29) 's Twitter Profile Photo

WTF 😂😂 COP: Do you have any questions for me? DUDE: Can I fart real quick or no? COP: I don’t care, dude. It’s a free country!

Greg T (@qdfbaniguess) 's Twitter Profile Photo

If you follow please quick engagement at least one time maybe about why, topics can include scathing wit, brilliant insights, vast knowledge of history and what not to do again, whatever, if I follow I'll try to do the same unless it's just a FB

🇺🇲American🇺🇲Cowboy🇺🇲 (@usacowboy3) 's Twitter Profile Photo

You know how to stop this bullshit. Every one of you small accounts need to start calling these people out. I never used to block but blocking will change your feed. And quit jumping on damn bandwagons. Everybody that utters the word Trump is not a patriot.

🇺🇲American🇺🇲Cowboy🇺🇲 (@usacowboy3) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Some people are mad because I called out the girl for showing her boobs at the Trump rally. If you think public nudity is okay in front of kids then you're no better than the damn liberals that march in the parade nude around children. Put that in your pipe and smoke it pervs