Welcome to the PRS-Group, home of leading-edge research in organocatalysis, nanodiamonds (diamondoids), reactive intermediates, and computational chemistry.
ID: 1057256594717765632 30-10-2018 13:03:09
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Super stoked to announce that I will be joining Auburn University Auburn University as an Assistant Professor in the fall! Shoutout to my mentors Sherburn Lab, Corey Stephenson, PRS-Group and Prof Michelle Coote for all of their guidance and support over the years and during this process!
Work hard and play hard in the first week of my sabbatical at PRS-Group, great fun at beer o’clock with the Schreiner group members and Prof David Nicewicz Nicewicz Lab. Great discussion with Prof Hermann Wegner Wegner Labs
Anyone who shares our love of (functional) adamantane-type clusters should definitely check out our latest Review - just out in Chemical Science!… DFG public | @[email protected] FOR2824 KIT Karlsruhe Universität Gießen PRS-Group Chemie Uni Marburg
Don't miss Stefanie Dehnen et al's recent article #ChemSciCovers Adamantane-type clusters: compounds with a ubiquitous architecture but a wide variety of compositions and unexpected materials properties… Stefanie Dehnen KIT Karlsruhe FOR2824 DFG public | @[email protected]
Experimentally Delineating the Catalytic Effect of a Single Water Molecule in the Photochemical Rearrangement of the Phenylperoxy Radical to the Oxepin-2(5H)-one-5-yl Radical | JACS PRS-Group Universität Gießen #Water #Photochemical #Rearrangement #Radical…
A superb line-up of invited speakers were the highlights of the Nanochemistry and Materials session 9th EuChemS Chemistry Congress - complemented by >70 short/flash talk speakers. Thank you all for your excellent contributions! PRS-Group AKRoesky [email protected] Volker Deringer KruegerResearchLab
🏆Frank Glorius has received the Emil Fischer Medal of the GDCh at the #ORCHEM2024 conference Universität Regensburg for his work. He has championed the #catalytic asymmetric #hydrogenation of #arenes and impacted many other areas of organic #synthesis. Glorius studied chemistry