Propllr PR & Content Marketing
PR and content marketing for B2B enterprise tech. G2 Top 3 PR agency. Creator of the Here's How Startup Marketing Conference.
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https://propllr.com/client-news/ 22-06-2017 03:09:10
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Such a great idea - well done by Lofty and Christopher Deutsch

Google may send you 63% of your clicks, but search is just 10% of people's web activity. Do you show up in the other 90%? Combined with the recent viral post on Nike marketing, let's rethink performance and brand marketing budgets. sparktoro.com/blog/attributi… Rand Fishkin (follow @randderuiter on Threads) SparkToro

And it's BACK! The 8th Annual #2024BestofMidwest Startup Cities rankings have been released. There is a lot to check out on the rankings page (🤓dive into the data) + some dramatic movement in the top 10! Check out my full recap here: blog.midweststartups.com/2024-best-of-t… #InvestintheMidwest

Looking forward to the Chicago Inno Fire Awards this evening! bizjournals.com/chicago/inno/s…