नाम नहीं है, पहचान यही है। Tweets on development, Dharma and everything in between. कृण्वन्तो विश्वमार्यम्: Let's make world a better place.
ID: 85096771 25-10-2009 15:02:36
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Swastika-chinhita, surya-ankita... bhagwa dhwaj; more inspiring than tiranga? Govardhan Math
Proto-Shiva type engraving to deadly Harpoons of OCP culture discovered in the Upper Ganga Plains. This weapon is dated to ~ 4500 years old in our lab. Indian Journal Of Archaeology Nirjharaḥ Mukhopādhyāyaḥ
With Love, Bihar This snippet is from 8th July 2023. Our customers and client went away and refused to work with us. I have been waiting for the last 4 years for the road and infrastructure and no help from anyone. I think the Bihar government does not understand the semiconductor industries.
Wow! Ashwini Vaishnaw Please take note.