Postgres FM
A weekly podcast about all things PostgreSQL — by @michristofides and @samokhvalov. Also at fosstodon.org/@postgresfm
ID: 1544757251730186244
http://postgres.fm 06-07-2022 18:56:58
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New episode: "Sponsoring the community" Michael is joined by Claire Giordano ✨ from Microsoft, to discuss ways to contribute to the Postgres community — from core contributions, to extensions, to events, and more. 🎧 postgres.fm/episodes/spons… 📺 youtube.com/watch?v=bo0o9p…

New episode: "Getting started with benchmarking" Nikolay and Michael are joined by Melanie Plageman to discuss benchmarking — how it differs for users and developers, some tools and lessons, and what she's working on now. 🎧 postgres.fm/episodes/getti… 📺 youtu.be/xR-VJjR9DPQ

Just listened to “Getting started with benchmarking” by Postgres FM . Insightful. I did some query perf benchmarking a while back on postgres running on AMD vs ARM and the lessons learned today have helped me identify a couple of really good and meh things I did there 😄

New episode: "Skip scan" Michael and Nikolay are joined by Peter Geoghegan, major contributor and committer to Postgres, to discuss adding skip scan support to PostgreSQL over versions 17 and 18. 🎧 postgres.fm/episodes/skip-… 📺 youtu.be/Xk-znJgQzQs