Sascha Pogacar
Marketing, Webdesign, Workshops & Coaching, Scientist4Future, Energiewender, Rollenspiele, #pnpde, Vorstand @ivfsf_de
ID: 608130466
http://www.saschapogacar.de 14-06-2012 13:06:50
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„#standwithdocumenta - Rettet die Freiheit der Kunst!” - Jetzt unterschreiben! chng.it/s8p6zDmW via Change.org Deutschland

Proud to be the 186th 😎 on BackerKit 🔜 SPIEL #4C211 for Against the Monster / Gegen das Monster. against-the-monster.backerkit.com/community_shar…

Proud to be the 617th 😎 on BackerKit 🔜 SPIEL #4C211 for Eco Mofos!!. Thanks Daniel Locke is kickstarting ECO MOFOS!! eco-mofos.backerkit.com/community_shar…

Unterschreiben: #Initiative Ampelversprechen halten: #Transparenzgesetz jetzt! lobbycontrol.de/aus-der-lobbyw… via openPetition

Ich habe soeben TWISTED RUST auf Kickstarter kickstarter.com/projects/14026… unterstützt

JULIAN ASSANGE IS FREE Julian Assange is free. He left Belmarsh maximum security prison on the morning of 24 June, after having spent 1901 days there. He was granted bail by the High Court in London and was released at Stansted airport during the afternoon, where he boarded a