Your typescript eDSL for Cardano smart contract and transactions.
ID: 1619134352004157445
http://pluts.harmoniclabs.tech 28-01-2023 00:45:17
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Version 0.8 just released🚀 What's new? ✅ Full Plutus V3 support ✅ Full support for governance txs ✅ Reduced memory for contract compilation ✨ Updated documentation (thanks to Input Output contributions) 🙅 No WASM, as always 🫶 github.com/HarmonicLabs/p…

$matiwinnetou | C₳rdano F₳ns (CRF₳) Michele | Harmonic plu-ts plu.tx The main reason why I like PLU-TX is cause I craft all my TXs with it at this point and it's amazing, especially since I'm not stuck with any one Indexer. But I also use it for Address creation and traversing between stakes, base address etc etc...