Oprah encourages blacks to vote for Democrats because their ancestors were denied the right to vote.
But what she failed to mention was that the reason her black ancestors weren't allowed to vote was because of the Democrats.
So she's telling blacks to vote for the very people
Biden tells hurricane victims he knows what losing your home feels like because his home was once struck by lightning.
He’s referring to an incident in 2004 which fire officials referred to as small fire that was contained to the kitchen.
He just can’t stop lying.
Half-Black man with one non-American parent lecturing Black American men to vote for a half-Black woman with TWO non-American parents whose main promise as President is to abort more Black babies is INSANE.
Liberals are insane, but Martha stoops to a new low saying a handful of Venezuelan illegals taking over American apartments is no big deal 🙄
I wonder how she’d feel if illegals took over HER home?? Would it still be no big deal?
STFU lady 🖕
Americans are struggling and they feel left-behind.
Democrats are putting illegal aliens first, NOT YOU.
Illegals are getting food cards.
Illegals are getting hotel stays.
Illegals are getting airline tickets.
In 23 days, Donald Trump will put the AMERICAN PEOPLE FIRST AGAIN.
Kamala, who covered up Biden’s mental incapacity for 4 years as the world burned, has thoughts on medical transparency. She literally was the central figure in the greatest continuing medical coverup in American history.
NOW – Sheriff Chad Bianco Slams Reporters Trying to Downplay Trump's 3rd Assassination Attempt
"He showed up with multiple passports with different names, an unregistered vehicle with fake license plate and loaded firearms. If you're asking me right now, I probably did have
Remember! 🔥🔥🔥
This is NOT MAGA!
We don’t wear diapers on our face.
They are stirring the pot of hate.
I wonder who this is pretending to be conservatives here?
Strong leadership MATTERS.
In Florida, we pre-position resources.
In Florida, federal, state & local officials are in-sync.
In Florida, we have clear plans of action in place.
In Florida, we put our people FIRST.
When you prepare like Florida, hurricane recovery is streamlined.
HOLY SH*T 🚨 Wow Fox News legend Bill O'Reilly does not hold back in this epic 30 second rant 🔥
"I don't care if you like Trump or not. He governed this nation in a responsible way, where everyone prospered. If you don’t believe it, you're a moron"
How does that make you feel?
Kamala raised $1B, has the media/Hollywood on her side, and is STILL LOSING.
Details MATTER.
Kamala's record is ATROCIOUS.
With Trump, we were BETTER-OFF.
And we need CHANGE.
No amount of Obama's racial gaslighting can change these facts.