Pipsa Saharinen
ID: 739010560688295936
http://www.helsinki.fi/saharinenlab 04-06-2016 08:27:02
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#Minätutkin ryhmäni kanssa: Miten veri - ja imusuonten toimintakykyä pidetään yllä? Miksi sairauksissa, kuten syövässä ja tulehdussairauksissa, verisuonen seinämä vuotaa? Miten suonten toimintaa voidaan parantaa? #WeAreHelsinkiUni University of Helsinki

Thank you Suomen Akatemia | Research Council of Finland for funding our CoE BarrierForce.utu.fi combines expertise across scales to understand how cellular tissue barriers perform their protective roles and are disrupted in disease Lappalainen lab Wickstrom-Lab Ivaska Lab Pipsa Saharinen Ilpo Vattulainen

Our new BarrierForce CoE featured in Finnish press :) @Ivaskalab Wickstrom-Lab Lappalainen lab Pipsa Saharinen Vattulainen lab. Kun pintasolukko pettää, syöpä leviää tai korona runtelee keuhkon – turkulaisen Johanna Ivaskan huippuyksikkö selvittää, miksi ts.fi/tiede/5498952

Thanks to Suomen Akatemia | Research Council of Finland for supporting our #invivo #imaging University of Helsinki Finnish Biomedical Imaging Node

Looking forward to the latest on #tumor and #vascular #invivo #imaging by Mikala Egeblad, Ruslan Hlushchuk Universität Bern and Mark Richards - join the webinars starting tomorrow rb.gy/7jlrvm

We at FiBI are grateful and thrilled about the FIRI funding granted by Suomen Akatemia | Research Council of Finland! Learn more about what we’re going to do with the money in the article below! Turku PET Centre University of Helsinki Kuopio Biomedical Imaging Unit (UEF) Aalto NeuroImaging

Stay tuned for TODAY’s #Invivo #Imaging webinar by Natalie Porat-Shliom Mirkka Sarparanta and aisling chaney

Congratulations to our group's Kumar Ponna for receiving Suomen Akatemia | Research Council of Finland post-doc grant for a project combining #vascular & #structural biology. Well done Srinivas kumar University of Helsinki

Just had our 1st BarrierForce Suomen Akatemia | Research Council of Finland Centre of Excellence SAB meeting! A huge thanks to our fab SAB trio Kathleen J Green Buzz Baum Mark Sansom +all representatives+lab members for taking part! Also got to celebrate Pipsa Saharinen 's professorship! Congrats from all of us!

Looking forward to today’s #EVBOSeminarSeries, with exciting #vascularbiology presentations on #atherosclerosis, #malaria and #edema by Yvancharvet Laurent Maria Bernabeu @ClaessonWelsh.

Fantastic presentation and cool #invivo #imaging of the intestinal barrier by Karen Edelblum Edelblum Lab. Thanks for joining our “In Vivo Imaging: Methods and Applications” virtual course! #HelsinkiInVivoImaging HiLIFE_Helsinki Finnish Biomedical Imaging Node

So happy to be part of this exciting collaboration and work by Aarren Mannion Lars Holmgren Karolinska Institutet

We just spent the last 2 days at University of Helsinki Tvärminne station with Wickstrom-Lab Pipsa Saharinen Lappalainen lab & Vattulainen lab for our Suomen Akatemia | Research Council of Finland BarrierForce CoE. It was great to see you all again, and in such a beautiful place too!

Great news! Congratulations, Taija vascular development lab