Innovative TR-NIRS devices for brain and muscle hemodynamic monitoring on humans.
ID: 1327163495889195008
13-11-2020 08:17:00
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The #PrometeusProject, is featured in a top Italian newspaper IlSole24ORE. Developing personalized nutritional strategies for preterm infants using advanced sensors for cerebral oxygenation monitoring and metabolism. Reducing neurological risks and improving early life nutrition.

📢Announcing a new partnership with Artinis Medical Systems! They will help us spread our cutting-edge devices globally, empowering #scientists with #TDNIRS. Our synergy aims to boost #NIRS #research and technology paving the way for a #brighter #future for the entire #NIRS community. 🚀🌟

We arrived in Birmingham for the Society for functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy conference fNIRS2024 Amazing location for the #PIONIRS booth in the "great hall" of Birmingham University. Can't wait to meet 470+ researchers focusing on accurate #cerebral #oximetry and #hemodynamic monitoring. #TDNIRS #BRAIN 🧠

Join us at the Biophotonics Conference - Photonics Media Oct 15-17 #online & #FREE "TD-NIRS Produces Quantitative and Reliable Tissue Oximetry" - Michele Lacerenza 🧠 Pediatric data from Buzzi Children’s Hospital 💪 Applications & skeletal muscle/critical care events.photonics.com/Presentation.a…

We've been selected as #key #innovator by the Dealflow.eu as part of Prometeus_prj . 🚀#INNOVATION: "Non-invasive #optical platform for #brain health and metabolism #monitoring in #preterm #neonates" Thanks to all our partners🤗 👉 Learn more here: pionirs.com/wp/research-pr…