Philip Mather
Computer Engineer from the UK currently working as a Delivery Manager in the Cloud Automation arena.
ID: 53892876
https://philipmather.me.uk/ 05-07-2009 11:36:37
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Thanks to Sarah Thornely Jo Moseley and anna gardiner for getting #gbsup into the nope s this week 😎 feeling grateful 🙏🏻

Save Our Sports on the River Thames: STOP THE PIER - Sign the Petition! chng.it/kxnmFmY2 via Change.org UK

I just won 8 Octopoints Octopoints on the Octopus Energy Wheel of Fortune! If you fancy a spin, join up with my referral link for £50 credit. share.octopus.energy/onyx-wave-255 #BlessedByTheWheel

Basically stopped paying for electricity at the end of March, actually making money back from the grid in April. Solar FTW, some of the best money ever spent. Will shift hot water to immersion shortly and turn the boiler off until winter. Octopus Energy Sarah Go Green💚 Greg Jackson

I'm an Octopus customer: @Ofgem, National Energy System Operator, please save 🐙⚡️ Saving Sessions Alerts and keep rewarding customers fairly for helping the energy system! #SaveTheDFS