Stephen C Lovatt (@pharsea) 's Twitter Profile
Stephen C Lovatt


#Gay #traditionalist Byzantine-#Catholic #Platonist #physicist #philosopher #poet. (

ID: 1487402358

link calendar_today06-06-2013 10:31:53

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Stephen C Lovatt (@pharsea) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The GreatGrandFather of my friend James fuller has just died after a prolonged illness. William Ennis Fuller was a devout and holy man, but not a Catholic. James was very close to him and was very fond of him....…

Stephen C Lovatt (@pharsea) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Heterosexuals are allowed to be heterosexual in practice, if they conform to certain norms; wheres homosexuals are told that there is NO WAY they can express their homosexuality without serious sin - even...…

Stephen C Lovatt (@pharsea) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Just experienced three hours of Byzantine Liturgy for the Eve of Julian Calendar Christmas. Will be meeting up with a couple of friends this evening and two more tomorrow.

Stephen C Lovatt (@pharsea) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I am back home from having celebrted Julian Calendar Christmas in London at the UGCC Cathedral. I met up with three good friends on Monday and Tuesday, and had a very pleasant break.

Stephen C Lovatt (@pharsea) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I have heard nothing from Abid Siddiqui for over 24 hours. I haave messaged his mother on FB, asking how he is; but I do not expect to hear back from her.

Stephen C Lovatt (@pharsea) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The unforgivable Sin - the sin against Holy Spirit - is, I believe, either the PostModern delusion - that "true" and "false" are meaningless and that "good" and "bad" are the same - and/or the...…

Stephen C Lovatt (@pharsea) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I have just spoken with Abid again. He sounds very poorly. I am afraid that his liver might be failing. Please remember him in your prayers.

Stephen C Lovatt (@pharsea) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"Progressivist Catholics?" They simply want safe spaces in which to work their wickedness. I refuse to engage with them in "debate" as they only accept arguments based on their PostModernist premises and have...…

Stephen C Lovatt (@pharsea) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A "friend" of mine who just prevented me posting on a "Progressivist Catholic" FB group has just posted a satirical article in direct response to the news that Roger Scruton has died. This is simply NASTY and I...…

Stephen C Lovatt (@pharsea) 's Twitter Profile Photo

When I was a teenager, my mother died of a stroke. When I was praying that she would survive, I felt God tell me: "No matter what happens, Stephen, I will ALWAYS be with you." I have believed that with absolute certainty ever since.

Stephen C Lovatt (@pharsea) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Emotional troubles can be very difficult to deal with. Many people who dn't have such issues can be unsympathetic It is important to know that emotions do not necessarily have any meaning. Feelings can exist...…

Stephen C Lovatt (@pharsea) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Anyone with more than a couple of brain cells and who is at all concerned with orthodoxy has been concerned about pope Francis ever since he was elected. Some of what he says and does is "truly progressive" in a...…

Stephen C Lovatt (@pharsea) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Please pray with me: Domine, non sum dignus, ut intres sub tectum meum: sed tantum dic verbo, et sanabitur pueris meis, Abid Nyx Siddiqui. Lord, I'm not worthy for you even to enter my home; but only speak the Word and my friend Abid will be whole.

Stephen C Lovatt (@pharsea) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Does anyone know wht has become of Nate Watkins? I have only just noticed that he has vanished from FaceBook. I don't have any contact details for him.

Stephen C Lovatt (@pharsea) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"A mere theological belief (commonly confused with faith) will not avail. Beliefs about God, Jesus, Creation, etc., are merely surface opinions (derived chiefly from custom) which do not reach down to the real...…

Stephen C Lovatt (@pharsea) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It is normal and orthodox to distinguish between "God" and Jesus. "God" means (depending on the context) 1. The Being God, as knowable by the unaided light of human reason: the One God of the philosopher. 2....…

Stephen C Lovatt (@pharsea) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I dispute that Nestorius was ever what is termed a "Nestorian". According to my research he was unjustly condemned by Cyril of Alexandria simply for using terminology other than that which Cyril himself...…

Stephen C Lovatt (@pharsea) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Abid has been discharged from hospital. He has to go back tomorrow as an outpatient for a CT brainscan and a blood-test. His blood clotting is now marginally OK.