Peter Rossi (@peterossimd) 's Twitter Profile
Peter Rossi


Radiation Oncologist Calloway Young Cancer Center Valley View Hospital, Husband/Dad; Survivor, QOL, Brachy, SBRT, Innovation, and Clinical Trial champion!

ID: 118120613

calendar_today27-02-2010 17:24:18

351 Tweet


231 Following

Junzo Chino (@radoncology) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Back to the Future for Prostate Brachy (ABS prostate workshop November 9-11)!…

Daniel Petereit (@daniel_petereit) 's Twitter Profile Photo

First MARS procedure today! Grateful to Dr. Steven Frank and his team for their mentorship and ABS for their superb brachytherapy schools. Yes, even an “old dog” can learn new techniques! Grateful to our brachy team!

First MARS procedure today! Grateful to Dr. Steven Frank and his team for their mentorship and ABS for their superb brachytherapy schools. Yes, even an “old dog” can learn new techniques! Grateful to our brachy team!
Memorial Sloan Kettering Radiation Oncology (@msk_radonc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

For the 1st time in its inception, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center #Radonc in New York is expanding the #Brachytherapy Fellowship program to 2⃣ fellows providing opportunities to learn skills & dedicated clinical research time. To apply contact Melissa Dawson [email protected] More info👇👇

For the 1st time in its inception, <a href="/MSKCancerCenter/">Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center</a>  #Radonc in New York is expanding the #Brachytherapy Fellowship program to 2⃣ fellows providing opportunities to learn skills &amp; dedicated clinical research time.
To apply contact Melissa Dawson

More info👇👇
Daniel Petereit (@daniel_petereit) 's Twitter Profile Photo

2nd successful MARS today, interview on PBS as they wanted to hear about CaP treatment options, BT and 300 in 10. Prostate review article we published in the SD journal with ABS colleagues is getting regional attention, community outreach is essential for our specialty.

2nd successful MARS today,  interview on PBS as they wanted to hear about CaP treatment options, BT and 300 in 10. Prostate review article we published in the SD journal with ABS colleagues is getting  regional attention, community outreach is essential for our specialty.
marisa kollmeier (@marisakollmeier) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Another ABS fellowship complete! Thanks Mayank Patel and U of Miami Rad Onc for participating in this critical program #300in10 #thisisbrachytherapy #AmericanBrachytherapySociety #MSKRadOnc #mskcc

Another ABS fellowship complete! Thanks Mayank Patel and U of Miami Rad Onc for participating in this critical program #300in10 #thisisbrachytherapy #AmericanBrachytherapySociety #MSKRadOnc #mskcc
Mayank Patel (@my_onc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Successful & rigorous #brachytherapy training with co-fellow Irini Youssef Memorial Sloan Kettering Radiation Oncology Treated esophagus, bronchus, brain, gyn and >100 prostates all with brachy! #AmericanBrachytherapySociety #300in10

Successful &amp; rigorous #brachytherapy training with co-fellow <a href="/IriniYacoub/">Irini Youssef</a> <a href="/MSK_RadOnc/">Memorial Sloan Kettering Radiation Oncology</a> Treated esophagus, bronchus, brain, gyn and &gt;100 prostates all with brachy! #AmericanBrachytherapySociety #300in10
Dr. Andrew Loblaw (@drandrewloblaw) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We all need to applaud Robert Lee and the NRG Oncology 0415 team for this seminal work. It adds to the very strong evidentiary base showing moderate hypofx is equally (maybe more) effective and isotoxic. Sets the stage for HYPO-RT-PC and PACE study results. Can’t wait for PACE tmr

American Brachy (@americanbrachy) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Are you ready to take your practice to new heights? If so, we have an incredible opportunity that you won't want to miss! Join us for the 2023 Prostate #brachy Workshop. Learn from and collaborate with leading experts in the field. #thisisbrachytherapy

Are you ready to take your practice to new heights? If so, we have an incredible opportunity that you won't want to miss! Join us for the 2023 Prostate #brachy Workshop. Learn from and collaborate with leading experts in the field. #thisisbrachytherapy
Junzo Chino (@radoncology) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Save the date! The ABS GYN School is returning for an in person Workshop 2/8-2/10 2024 at the Omni Frisco-Dallas Hotel. Registration + More coming soon! Look out for team, ABS renewal and WCB registration discounts! American Brachy #thisisbrachytherapy

Save the date! The ABS GYN School is returning for an in person Workshop 2/8-2/10 2024 at the Omni Frisco-Dallas Hotel.  Registration + More coming soon!  Look out for team, ABS renewal and WCB registration discounts! <a href="/AmericanBrachy/">American Brachy</a> #thisisbrachytherapy
American Brachy (@americanbrachy) 's Twitter Profile Photo

True learning happens when theory meets practice. Experience the power of hands-on learning at the #brachytherapy #GYN workshop. #brachytherapytraining #ThisIsBrachytherapy Gita Suneja MD MS Junzo Chino Sushil DrKamrava ArjitBaghwala Andrew Farach, MD

J Cont Brachytherapy (@jcontbrachyther) 's Twitter Profile Photo

According to the Groupe Européen de Curiethérapie (GEC), the European Society for Radiotherapy & Oncology (ESTRO), and the American Brachytherapy Society (ABS)…

According to the Groupe Européen de Curiethérapie (GEC), the European Society for Radiotherapy &amp; Oncology (ESTRO), and the American Brachytherapy Society (ABS)…
American Brachy (@americanbrachy) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Are you ready to revolutionize your healthcare practice with the latest advancements in #ArtificialIntelligence ? Join our upcoming webinar & discover how this transformative technology can enhance the field of #brachytherapy. #ThisIsBrachytherapy #brachy

Are you ready to revolutionize your healthcare practice with the latest advancements in #ArtificialIntelligence ? Join our upcoming webinar &amp; discover how this transformative technology can enhance the field of #brachytherapy. #ThisIsBrachytherapy #brachy
American Brachy (@americanbrachy) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Are you ready to be at the forefront of the #brachy revolution? The 2024 World Congress of #brachytherapy is your chance to connect with the brightest minds in the field and be part of the global collaboration that's shaping the future.

Steven J. Frank, MD (@sjfrankmd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

@JessicaVu1889 American Brachy Peter Rossi MIM Software Our GYN group has used the Orion line marker from C4 Imaging Ann Klopp for MRI planning. Peter Rossi has used for MRI planning for prostate and shorter length modifications have been requested to optimize fitting the shorter HDR catheter length.

Andrew Farach, MD (@andrewfarach) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🌟Proud moment! Two incredible alumni of the #300in10 training program celebrating 🧑‍🎓 👨‍🎓 from residency and fellowship MD Anderson Cancer Center 🍾 . They're now set to fulfill the program's mission and advance #brachytherapy in their new communities. Here's to their dedication and impact!

🌟Proud moment! Two incredible alumni of the #300in10 training program celebrating 🧑‍🎓 👨‍🎓 from residency and fellowship <a href="/MDAndersonNews/">MD Anderson Cancer Center</a> 🍾 . They're now set to fulfill the program's mission and advance #brachytherapy in their new communities. Here's to their dedication and impact!