Peter (@peterm50568) 's Twitter Profile


Business Manager, MBA Student, Part time Philosopher,Full time Pragmatist.

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Peter (@peterm50568) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#OUB329 Week 8 ‘situational leadership principles are effective for leading teams of varying skills, experiences and engagement within changing contexts. Leaders should monitor and modify their styles to meet the needs of their team’

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#OUB329 Week 9 ‘Collaboration occurs when we trust our teams; engaging them to utilise their skills, expertise and experience towards a common goal. Allowing teams to find solutions together facilitates team growth, increased purpose and a more productive and dynamic environment.

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#OUB329 Week 9 Huxham & Vangen’s 2005 framework of facilitative/manipulative leadership shows how we truly lead and bring teams together. Whilst we all wish to adopt the #SpiritofCollaboration; honest leaders will accept that #Collaborativethuggery is utilised just as much.

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#OUB329 ‘Week 10’ in a more interconnected, networked world; followers and leaders are engaging in new ways to change traditional hierarchical structures of leadership toward relational leadership models.

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#OUB329 ‘Week 10’ Social media is helping a follower centred approach to leadership where toxic elements of leadership are highlighted quicker and to greater extent. Leaders now can focus on more collaborative approaches to enhance organisations.

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#OUB329 Week 11 ‘leadership and conflict can have a symbiotic relationship if those relationships between stakeholders are respectful, but allow for constructive dissent’

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#OUB329 Week 11 ‘Conflict if provoked in the right way can lead to innovative solutions through drawing stakeholders into conversations than lead to collaboration and agreed/accepted outcomes’

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#OUB329 Week 12 ‘creating a positive sum game within collaborations involves seeking common ground to allow Collaboration to commence but also take advantage of windows of opportunity that arise in the environment to ensure everybody takes something away’

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#OUB329 Week 12 ‘When competing aims threaten collaboration then compromise must take place. Leaders though must be aware that this risks discouragement of the compromising parties and should use Spirit of Collaboration/thuggery to maintain engagement.

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#OUB329 Week 13 ‘This weeks TMA allowed me to analyse the decisions I made in each weeks case study and understand the benefits and weaknesses of using leaderships styles across different contexts.

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#OUB329 Week 14 ‘Identifying challenges correctly as either Tame, Wicked or Critical will allow for the right levels of resource, knowledge, collaboration and speed to be given to the challenge to ensure the highest chance of success.’

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#OUB329 Week 15 ‘according to Collinson & Ackroyd (2005) resistance to unwanted workplace leadership practises may exist along an axis between Overt, Misbehaviour & Covert actions. Leaders would benefit from understanding that sometimes resistance needs to be met with why?’

Peter (@peterm50568) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#OUB329 Week 15 ‘Fleming and Spicer (2007) Four faces of Power and Resistance felt confined and limited. The idea that a face of power had only one equal face of resistance negates the idea that Power and Resistance is far too complex and overlapping to box like this. Thoughts?’

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#OUB329 Week 16 ‘Empty Signifiers are incredibly meaningful for groups as representing their purpose, however; when you breakdown the detail they are usually hollow and could give rise to pluralist interpretations and a erosion of the key message’

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#OUB329 Week 16 ‘BLM & MAGA are both examples of powerful empty signifiers to which supporters are drawn to through their own ideas of what they mean. They also allow detractors to attach negative meaning to them due to their lack of clarity of purpose’

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#OUB328 Week 17 ‘SCO’s work toward positive social change through reframing discourse, bridging differences and unleashing human energies. Storytelling is a powerful way of gaining support for change by making people relate & care enough to take the journey towards your purpose’

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#OUB329 Week 17 ‘Social change doesn’t happen in isolation and involves mobilising the affected, working with policy makers, developing social capital through community collaboration and addressing individual and group needs’

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#OUB329 #LeadershipChallenge. Empowering the Precariat through education, support and agency. By adopting a #socialchangeleadership style; engaging the affected, working with all stakeholders and fostering community support we aim to ameliorate this growing issue