petawatt energy consultancy
renewable energy consultancy helping Taiwan to transition to 100% RE ~ #In2Taiwan
ID: 974864241294323712 17-03-2018 04:25:22
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Winding up with the Northland Power Inc. team here in Taiwan. Canada is developing about a fifth of Taiwan's 5.5 GW #Offshore #windenergy - Second-biggest #OffshoreWind market in Asia. Great stuff @CanWEA Clean Energy Canada Julia Buss Rupert Cao Trade Commissioner Service Sylvia Yan
Congratulations to Asia Wind Energy Association for a successful 4th Offshore Wind Day hosted in Taipei last Tuesday. 300+ industry experts and lively discussions on Taiwan’s latest developments in #offshore #wind. Thank you for the opportunity to support this event.
Mike Crawley of Northland Power Inc. announcing the MoU with @MHIVestas for the 300MW Hailong project in 2024 with an option for the 2nd Phase with 744MW for 2025. #Taiwan #Offshore #Wind is moving ahead full steam.
#Offshore #Wind #Taiwan proposes Feed-Tariffs for 2019 / industry consult in Dec (FiT from 02/19): 🔹 TWD 5.106 kWh ⚠️-12.7%, 2018: 5.8498 🔹Scrap: 10y/10y ⚠️2018 option 7.1177 / 3.5685 🔹after 3600h per an/ reduced FiT ⚠️ based on 2016 TWD 1,95 Asia Wind Energy Association
John Eastwood quoted in Windpower Monthly article on recent criticism of #Taiwan government's #offshorewind policy… #greenenergy #windenergy