Pancreatobiliary Pathology Society
The Pancreatobiliary Pathology Society fosters excellence and collaboration in education, research and the clinical practice of pancreatobiliary pathology.
ID: 1249754581971730433
http://www.pbpath.org 13-04-2020 17:41:38
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Thank you for joining the joint #PBPS GIPS (GI Pathology Society) Hans Popper Hepatopathology Society joint reception! It was good to see everyone having a good time! Congratulations to the raffle winnersđź“–đź“š! #pancreas #GIpath #Liverpath

Post companion society lunch #PBPS. Special thanks to our speakers, Dr. Guido Rindi, Dr. David Klimstra, Michelle Reid MD & moderators Dr. Mari Mino-Kenudson & Dr. Atsuko Kasajima. 🥂 to another successful meeting! #USCAP2024

At #USCAP2024 ? Don't miss today’s Evening Specialty Conference on WHO Updates in Cystic/Intraductal #Pancreatobiliary lesions. Speakers listed below! @ 6-7:30 pm. Rm 316. Pancreatobiliary Pathology Society #cytopath #PancreaticCancer

Happening now! The pancreaticobiliary evening speciality confernece! Dr. Alyssa Krasinskas giving updates on ampullary neoplasms. Olca Basturk Michelle Reid MD Monika Vyas Diana Agostini-Vulaj Pooja Navale MD Huamin Wang, MD, PhD Claudio Luchini

It’s a wrap! Thank you all for joining the #pancbili evening speciality conference! Thank you to our speakers Olca Basturk Alyssa Krasinskas Dr. Ed Stelow, Dr. Yoh Zen & the session chair Michelle Reid MD! See you all in Boston next year! #uscap2024

Stay up to date on the latest in #pancbili #pathology - Check out the latest #pbps journal watch! pbpath.org/current-journa… Michelle Reid MD Olca Basturk Diana Agostini-Vulaj Monika Vyas Pooja Navale MD Abdul Abid Vidya Arole Vish Killari MD MPH

Classical histology and cytology (Pap & CB) of Solid Pseudopapillary Tumor of Pancreas (Frantz tumor) from our friend Emmanuel Gonzalez. Tail of pancreas, BCatenin+, LEF1+, A1AT+ globules, SOX11+. UMiami Pathology GIPS (GI Pathology Society) Cancer Cytopathology Pancreatobiliary Pathology Society #pancreastumor

Latest case of the quarter is now live on our website! PBPS members, access the case on pbpath.org/case-3-quarter… Let's continue advancing our knowledge together! Michelle Reid MD Olca Basturk Diana Agostini-Vulaj Monika Vyas Pooja Navale MD Abdul Abid Vidya Arole Vish Killari MD MPH

What's new in #pancbili #pathology? You can find out right here 👇 pbpath.org/current-journa… Stay up to date on all the latest literature with Pancreatobiliary Pathology Society #journalwatch! The April - June 2024 edition is now live!

Enjoy the educational treat from the latest PBPS case of the quarter! Members can log in, view the case, and share their thoughts using the link below. #pancbili #pathology #PathTwitter Michelle Reid MD Olca Basturk Monika Vyas Pooja Navale MD Vidya Arole pbpath.org/case-4-quarter…

Special message from Pancreaticobiliary Pathology Society President Michelle Reid MD on notable accomplishments and future directions of the Society. Read here pbpath.org/letter-from-th… Michelle Reid MD Olca Basturk Diana Agostini-Vulaj Monika Vyas Pooja Navale MD Vidya Arole Huamin Wang, MD, PhD

We are excited to share the latest PBPS Journal Watch. Access and read about the latest research in the field. Please log in using this link: pbpath.org/current-journa… Michelle Reid MD Olca Basturk Diana Agostini-Vulaj Monika Vyas Pooja Navale MD Vidya Arole Huamin Wang, MD, PhD