Payton Gannon
@GeorgetownLaw | @Fulbrightprgrm Italy abortion researcher | @BrownUniversity
ID: 1045708822248116225
28-09-2018 16:16:26
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Georgia can enforce its medically inaccurate 6-week abortion ban immediately. Donate to Abortion is still legal in Georgia ARC-Southeast and KeepOurClinics to support clinics and people trying to get abortions. Georgians will be impacted and so will everyone who is traveling there from other states.

Is abortion access in the EU better than in the US, now that Roe has fallen? In some ways yes, but the US and EU approaches to abortion governance are more similar than you might think. Read more of my thoughts on The Loop. A Political Science Blog from @ECPR!

I'm thrilled to be co-organizing a workshop at the #ecprjs23 on abortion policy and anti-abortion campaigns! Grateful to have the support of the standing group on religion and politics, Guy Ben-Porat, Alberta Giorgi, Frederic Strack, Kortney Matters and Luca Ozzano !

Had a great experience at Società Italiana di Scienza Politica in Genova, my first time here! Thanks for the great questions and feedback on my and Payton Gannon’s paper Francesca Feo Giuseppe Ciccolini Gaia M. Ripamonti. Looking forward to being part of this lovely community of scholars going forward!

A former USL Academy signing is ready to make his mark for the Lights this year ✨ Welcome to Las Vegas, Coleman Gannon! 👋

Excited to share that my article with Payton Gannon is published in MedHums_BMJ! We review the abortion data published by the Ministero della Salute of Italy, finding that their data on conscientious objection is misleading at best. We join with many others who have said this… 1/

Very important article! Especially at this moment, when Italian abortion regulations are under attack, it's crucial to show that access to abortion is much more difficult in 🇮🇹 than it appears in official sources. Congrats Danielle Pullan and Payton Gannon !

Because this week wasn’t busy enough, I’m thrilled to have a new publication to share, the first from my PhD dissertation! Payton Gannon and I theorize about the role of the Catholic Church and the role of European national identity in the development of abortion policy… 1/5

Working on reproductive politics? Don’t miss the occasion to join this fine group of scholars and contribute to this Special Issue! Danielle Pullan Gaia M. Ripamonti Payton Gannon

🏥 How has the fall of #RoeVWade affected healthcare for pregnant #Americans? 🇺🇸 Payton Gannon & Danielle Pullan explain the most recent Supreme Court cases & contextualise them within the broader discussion on conscientious objection & religion in healthcare. bit.ly/3WCOFZ6

Always a pleasure to write for The Loop. A Political Science Blog from @ECPR! Check out our explanation of this summer’s SCOTUS abortion cases and how extreme the US’s position already is on conscientious objection, even under a Democratic administration. MPIfG Comp Pol Cologne WiSoFakultät_UniKöln

📣 Last day to submit your contribution on reproductive rights for our Special Issue! Danielle Pullan Payton Gannon IdPS Journal More info here: siba-ese.unisalento.it/index.php/idps…