Paul Carnell (@paulecarnell) 's Twitter Profile
Paul Carnell


Senior Lecturer at RMIT University. Using an ecological understanding to value, protect & restore amazing #wetlands #seagrass #mangroves #tidalmarsh #kelp

ID: 2910599402

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The Future Coasts Lab (@futurecoastslab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This is what #seagrass restoration at scale looks like! We’re out on the boat today - ready to deploy a few thousand sandbags to facilitate seagrass seedling recruitment along the coast just north of Adelaide 🌱 🌊 #GenerationRestoration #BlueCarbon #MarineEcology

This is what #seagrass restoration  at scale looks like! We’re out on the boat today - ready to deploy a few thousand sandbags to facilitate seagrass seedling recruitment along the coast just north of Adelaide 🌱 🌊
Alice Jones (@alice_r_jones) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Great new paper led by Lewis Walden on predictive mapping of Australian soil carbon (terrestrial and coastal). Check it out here:… #BlueCarbon #Carbon #CarbonStocks

Great new paper led by <a href="/lewis__walden/">Lewis Walden</a> on predictive mapping of Australian soil carbon (terrestrial and coastal). Check it out here:…

Blue Carbon Lab (@bluecarbonlab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#WorldOceanDay reminds us of how vital our blue ecosystems are to everyday life, and a healthy planet. Informed decisions on how to conserve, manage and restore marine systems are needed to turn the tide and ensure the ocean’s well-being. Learn more at…

#WorldOceanDay reminds us of how vital our blue ecosystems are to everyday life, and a healthy planet. Informed decisions on how to conserve, manage and restore marine systems are needed to turn the tide and ensure the ocean’s well-being. Learn more at…
Blue Carbon Lab (@bluecarbonlab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Mangroves can play a significant role in protecting island states from storms and climate change. Our report, based on an extensive field campaign run by local researchers, assesses the climate mitigation potential of Seychelles’ mangroves- see… for more

Mangroves can play a significant role in protecting island states from storms and climate change. Our report, based on an extensive field campaign run by local researchers, assesses the climate mitigation potential of Seychelles’ mangroves- see… for more
Blue Carbon Lab (@bluecarbonlab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thrilled to share news that 2 #bluecarbon projects led by Micheli Costa & Mel Wartman have been funded through @BHP's grants to explore low-coast strategies for coastal wetland restoration & support uptake of restoration projects through tidal reinstatement:…

Blue Carbon Lab (@bluecarbonlab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Want to try your hand at #bluecarbon research? Join Blue Carbon Lab and GeelongPort for a day of #citizenscience, where we’ll collect data on blue carbon and biodiversity in restored saltmarshes of Corio Bay. Visit… to register your interest.

Blue Carbon Lab (@bluecarbonlab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Removing the hooves to boost blue carbon gains🐑| 🌱 Our latest blog looks at a new project to demonstrate how excluding livestock from marginal farmland is a low-cost strategy for restoring coastal wetlands and bringing co-benefits to local landholders-…

Removing the hooves to boost blue carbon gains🐑| 🌱
Our latest blog looks at a new project to demonstrate how excluding livestock from marginal farmland is a low-cost strategy for restoring coastal wetlands and bringing co-benefits to local landholders-…
Blue Carbon Lab (@bluecarbonlab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Meet the team! Phebe recently joined us as a Technical Officer, and will be focusing on how managing farm dams and hard hooved non-native animals can be utilised in nature repair and emissions reduction strategies. Learn more about Phebe at…

Meet the team! Phebe recently joined us as a Technical Officer, and will be focusing on how managing farm dams and hard hooved non-native animals can be utilised in nature repair and emissions reduction strategies. Learn more about Phebe at…
Paul Carnell (@paulecarnell) 's Twitter Profile Photo

What a great day discussing #restoration of #coastal #wetlands and balancing bird and vegetation outcomes. Looking forward to fleshing out the possibilities of this degraded #saltpond site. #bluecarbon #naturalcapital

What a great day discussing #restoration of #coastal #wetlands and balancing bird and vegetation outcomes. Looking forward to fleshing out the possibilities of this degraded #saltpond site. #bluecarbon #naturalcapital
Blue Carbon Lab (@bluecarbonlab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Another fantastic day in Corio Bay’s saltmarshes for our 2nd #GeelongPort citizen science field trip of 2023. The #BlueCarbonArmy surveyed birds + bugs to help us understand seasonal changes in biodiversity within this restoration site. Many thanks to everyone who came along!

Another fantastic day in Corio Bay’s saltmarshes for our 2nd #GeelongPort citizen science field trip of 2023. 

The #BlueCarbonArmy surveyed birds + bugs to help us understand seasonal changes in biodiversity within this restoration site. Many thanks to everyone who came along!
AMSA Victoria (@amsavictoria) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Join some of Victoria’s finest salty minds to discuss the vexing question - where did all the kelp go? Deets and Eventbrite link below ⬇️ Marine Science Seminar & Panel Discussion - Where Did All The Kelp Go?…

Alice Jones (@alice_r_jones) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🚨 The abstract deadline 🚨 for the Australasian Mangrove and Saltmarsh Network Conference (14 - 17 Nov in Adelaide) has been extended until 1st Sept! Check out the website for more info: Please retweet 😊 #AMS2023 @SAEnvirWater

🚨 The abstract deadline 🚨 for the Australasian Mangrove and Saltmarsh Network Conference (14 - 17 Nov in Adelaide) has been extended until 1st Sept! Check out the website for more info:
Please retweet 😊
AMSA Victoria (@amsavictoria) 's Twitter Profile Photo

So, any #uni #seaurchinroe lovers among our salty friends? How do you like to eat it? Any recipe recommendations? Inquiring minds want to know!

DOG IN PROFILE PIC (@stevepog) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Learning more about the golden kelp restoration project and urchin culling in Port Phillip Bay and how urchin barrens have expanded over past 50 years. See evidence of this every time I dive! Great venue Deakin University Downtown

Learning more about the golden kelp restoration project and urchin culling in Port Phillip Bay and how urchin barrens have expanded over past 50 years. See evidence of this every time I dive! Great venue <a href="/Deakin/">Deakin University</a> Downtown
Dr Jacqui Pocklington (@dr_snorkel) 's Twitter Profile Photo

So excited to share our findings so far today at #appf2024 in Sapporo. If you’re here please come along at 5pm. Deakin Research Blue Carbon Lab #greatsouthernreef #restoration #kelp Kelp Forest Alliance #greengravelactiongroup

So excited to share our findings so far today at #appf2024 in Sapporo. If you’re here please come along at 5pm. <a href="/deakinresearch/">Deakin Research</a> <a href="/BlueCarbonLab/">Blue Carbon Lab</a> #greatsouthernreef #restoration #kelp <a href="/KelpAlliance/">Kelp Forest Alliance</a> #greengravelactiongroup
Dr Trevathan-Tackett (@stacey_teetee) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Seeking PhD candidate to join our team in RMIT University’s School of Science to work on measuring *ecosystem condition* in marine and coastal restoration projects using *field and remote sensing approaches*. More details in the thread : Deadline 26 Aug.

Seeking PhD candidate to join our team in RMIT University’s School of Science to work on measuring *ecosystem condition* in marine and coastal restoration projects using *field and remote sensing approaches*. More details in the thread : Deadline 26 Aug.
Paul Carnell (@paulecarnell) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Seeking #PhD candidate to work on measuring ecosystem condition in coastal restoration projects using field & remote sensing data. Apply now by sending a CV & cover letter to [email protected] by 26 Aug. Research Stipend Scholarships - RMIT University. Image created by AI

Seeking #PhD candidate to work on measuring ecosystem condition in coastal restoration projects using field &amp; remote sensing data. Apply now by sending a CV &amp; cover letter to by 26 Aug.  Research Stipend Scholarships - RMIT University. Image created by AI