Paula Ferreira Montenegro
3rd year PhD student in analytical and organic chemistry in @mehiri_group #Isolation #macroorganisms #Bioactivemolecules #MarineNaturalProducts
ID: 1338102976242708483 13-12-2020 12:46:37
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Institut Chimie Nice PhD students and postdocs at work today preparing for #EFMCISMC2022 starting tomorrow in Nice! Everything is ready to welcome thé participants! EFMC Société de Chimie Thérapeutique #medchem #chembio
What an amazing session ! Thank you Judith Rollinger for this great talk about data analysis with ELINA approach #EFMCISMC2022 Universität Wien #NaturalProducts
And a huge thanks you to all the organization teams, local committee, scientific committee and especially Société de Chimie Thérapeutique Maria Duca ! You did an amazing work to make #EFMCISMC22 a great success 👏
The stand of Institut Chimie Nice Fête de la science à Nice. Beautiful day with lots of curious students👩🏻🔬🤩👩🏻🔬Université Côte d'Azur CNRS Côte d’Azur #FDS2022
We have new doctor Institut Chimie Nice. 🤩🥂🤩 Congrats Dr. Laure Gilles. 🍾🥂🍾. Sylvain Antoniotti Véronique Michelet Université Côte d'Azur
So proud of Marie Dayras !!
Are you interested in marine natural products research and having a strong experience in analytical and organic chemistry ? Join us at Institut Chimie Nice for one year fully funded postdoctoral researcher ! #postdocposition
And, Yes! It is also time for marine field trips again... European Research Council (ERC) Antibiotikaforschung (inaktiv) AWI Medien ..back at Sylt .. Updates will come soon..
I am thrilled to officially announce the start of my METABIONTE Chaire de Prof. Junior with the CNRS 🌍 at Institut Chimie Nice Université Côte d'Azur CNRS Côte d’Azur. The research activities are supported by the @INC_CNRS, the ANR, and the #UCAJedi. Thanks a lot for making it possible!
Very happy for the Proof of Concept PCSI grant from ITMO Cancer to explore Marine Natural Products for advanced cancer research !!! a project leaded by our colleague Frédéric Bost C3M in close collaboration with our group M. Mehiri Research Group (Marine Natural Products), Canceropôle Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Don't miss the 28th French-Japanese Symposium on Medicinal & Fine Chemistry, 1- 4 OCTOBER 2023 – NICE, FRANCE !!!, Institut Chimie Nice, Université Côte d'Azur, Société Chimique SCF, Société de Chimie Thérapeutique, CNRS Côte d’Azur
Very proud of Paula Paula Ferreira Montenegro from M. Mehiri Research Group (Marine Natural Products) Institut Chimie Nice Université Côte d'Azur for her Flash presentation in the FJS2023 Symposium!!!
So thrilled with my sweet gift from Thermo Scientific ! 😍 An adorable UHPLC Lego now proudly displayed on my desk. Thanks for this delightful blend of science and creativity! 🧪🔬 M. Mehiri Research Group (Marine Natural Products) Institut Chimie Nice Université Côte d'Azur #HappyScientist #UHPLC
Happy to announce our first review « Marine Bromotyrosine Derivatives in Spotlight: Bringing Discoveries and Biological Significance » ! 👩🏻🔬🌊 Deeply thankful to M. Mehiri Research Group (Marine Natural Products) for granting me this invaluable opportunity and support! Institut Chimie Nice…
Are you interested in marine natural products research and having a strong experience in analytical and organic chemistry ? Join us at Institut Chimie Nice for a PhD dedicated to Marine Natural Products Chemistry