MGMT: Eric Vogel eric@jet-mgmt.com Booking: partypupils@gmail.com
ID: 760631927107747840
http://PartyPupils.com 03-08-2016 00:22:38
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Meet us at the Official Zedd In The Park Afterparties on Sept. 6 + 7! 🌳🔊 Keep the party going THIS Fri with grey + PARTY PUPILS at ExchangeLA, followed by a B2B with Zedd + Madeon THIS Sat at Avalon Hollywood. 🎶 Get your tickets! 🤩🙌 → insom.co/zeddinthepark-…

A massive weekend’s on the horizon. 👁️ On Friday, keep the party going after Zedd in the Park with the Afterparty ft grey and PARTY PUPILS. On Saturday, a 360° cage experience awaits with KLOUD alongside @drakkmusic + Friz of Soul. Tickets → exchangela.com/events