Pan Zhu
Assistant professor at Westlake University in China. Interested in plant development, transcription regulation, nuclear condensates and natural variation.
ID: 984051188562825216
11-04-2018 12:51:00
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VACANCY - We’re looking for a Postdoc to join the Xiaoqi Feng lab to investigate the mechanisms underlying germline chromatin reconfigurations 💷 - £32,578 to £39,938 📅 - Tuesday 9 November okt.to/vCWm8J

Another exciting opportunity for a studentship in @GEN_ISP_JIC John Innes Centre and UEA Biological Sciences. Why not take a look.

PhD opportunity in my group John Innes Centre focusing on host compatibility in the Marchantia-Phytophthora system. Plenty of room to explore some really cool and important aspects of #EvoMPMI. It’s sure to be insightful and fun with Dr. Wenbo Ma in the mix! 🌱 🦠

TALK - How plants respond to changes in weather 🌻☀️⛅️🌦️🌨️❄️ 👩🔬 - Dr Rea L. Antoniou-Kourounioti 📅 - Wednesday 27 October ⏰ - 15:00 to 15:30 🚩 - The Forum Norwich Gallery 👀 - norwichsciencefestival.co.uk/whats-on/growi…

NEWS - As the weather cools in autumn, you may notice water droplets forming on windows. Researchers have found that a similar process is happening inside plants and allows them to sense fluctuating temperatures okt.to/VoaiHv @Pan_JIC Caroline Dean @GEN_ISP_JIC

Quantitative regulation: A tug of war on length - termination or elongation leads to repression or activation! Check out pnas.org/content/118/47…. Caroline Dean

@GEN_ISP_JIC Lars Ostergaard John Innes Centre Xiaoqi Feng It is such a great pleasure to receive this award. Great thanks to GEN_ISP_JIC. Also thanks to Lars for the wonderful free cider!

Incredibly proud of my colleagues Minglei @Pan_Jic Pawel Mikulski Rebecca Bloomer from Caroline Dean and DingLab for this wonderful story. Another bad day for those still not believing in COOLAIR functionality 🤭. Congrats to you all!!

Very thrilled to see our Cell Reports paper now online. We show that plant PRC2 accessory proteins contain a polymerization domain with a novel structural fold. We further show that polymerization is required for FLC repression during vernalization. cell.com/cell-reports/f…

The superstar in the RNA structure field, Danny @danny_incarnato will give the new year's first seminar of the Norwich RNA Club. University of Groningen John Innes Centre Norwich Research Park UEA Biological Sciences Earlham Institute Alper Akay Wilfried Haerty

Happy Chinese New Year! Happy the Year of Rabbit! John Innes Centre Caroline Dean Jonathan D G Jones

What physics sets the size distributions of physiological & pathological condensates? Check out this joint paper with the Wingreen group, led by our former student Daniel SW Lee + coauthors David W. Sanders!, Chang Choi Lien Beckers, Josh Riback rdcu.be/c4Kj0

Wednesday and Thursday we will build a Lego microscope at the Norwich Science Festival 🧱🔬🌱 Here you can already see a flower cross section using a low magnification lens.

It is great to cooperate with Sterling Field and the groups Caroline Dean RheeLab Lucia Strader for this review discussing biomolecular condensates in plant development.

TOPICAL REVIEW: Flowering time: from physiology, through genetics to mechanism (Robert Maple, Pan Zhu, Jo Hepworth, Jia-Wei Wang, Caroline Dean) buff.ly/3uOf5NJ Robert Maple Pan Zhu Dr Jo Hepworth Caroline Dean ASPB #PlantSci

Thrilled to announce the starting of my Lab Westlake University ,today we had the first group meeting and Lab retreat. Caroline Dean knows why it is Wed morning😀.