Pan Zhu (@panzhu_wlu) 's Twitter Profile
Pan Zhu


Assistant professor at Westlake University in China. Interested in plant development, transcription regulation, nuclear condensates and natural variation.

ID: 984051188562825216

calendar_today11-04-2018 12:51:00

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305 Following

John Innes Centre (@johninnescentre) 's Twitter Profile Photo

VACANCY - We’re looking for a Postdoc to join the Xiaoqi Feng lab to investigate the mechanisms underlying germline chromatin reconfigurations 💷 - £32,578 to £39,938 📅 - Tuesday 9 November

VACANCY - We’re looking for a Postdoc to join the <a href="/XiaoqiFeng_m/">Xiaoqi Feng</a> lab to investigate the mechanisms underlying germline chromatin reconfigurations

💷 - £32,578 to £39,938
 📅 - Tuesday 9 November
Philip Carella (@phil_carella) 's Twitter Profile Photo

PhD opportunity in my group John Innes Centre focusing on host compatibility in the Marchantia-Phytophthora system. Plenty of room to explore some really cool and important aspects of #EvoMPMI. It’s sure to be insightful and fun with Dr. Wenbo Ma in the mix! 🌱 🦠

John Innes Centre (@johninnescentre) 's Twitter Profile Photo

TALK - How plants respond to changes in weather 🌻☀️⛅️🌦️🌨️❄️ 👩‍🔬 - Dr Rea L. Antoniou-Kourounioti 📅 - Wednesday 27 October ⏰ - 15:00 to 15:30 🚩 - The Forum Norwich Gallery 👀 -…

John Innes Centre (@johninnescentre) 's Twitter Profile Photo

NEWS - As the weather cools in autumn, you may notice water droplets forming on windows. Researchers have found that a similar process is happening inside plants and allows them to sense fluctuating temperatures @Pan_JIC Caroline Dean @GEN_ISP_JIC

Congyao Xu (@congyaoxu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Quantitative regulation: A tug of war on length - termination or elongation leads to repression or activation! Check out…. Caroline Dean

Quantitative regulation: A tug of war on length - termination or elongation leads to repression or activation! Check out….
<a href="/CarolineDeanLab/">Caroline Dean</a>
Molecular Plant & Plant Communications (@mplantpcom) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Rising Stars in Plant Sciences 2022 (RSPS2022) | Finalist Oral Presentation Contest | June 29 13:00-15:30pm & June 30 13:00-15:30pm (GMT/UTC) | FREE to Watch the Live Streaming via YouTube (…) or Tencent (

Rising Stars in Plant Sciences 2022 (RSPS2022) | Finalist Oral Presentation Contest | June 29 13:00-15:30pm &amp; June 30 13:00-15:30pm (GMT/UTC) | FREE to Watch the Live Streaming via YouTube (…) or Tencent (
Eduardo Mateo (@emateobonmati) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Incredibly proud of my colleagues Minglei @Pan_Jic Pawel Mikulski Rebecca Bloomer from Caroline Dean and DingLab for this wonderful story. Another bad day for those still not believing in COOLAIR functionality 🤭. Congrats to you all!!

Marquardt Laboratory (@marquardtlab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Postdoc position in our group. Topic at the interface of promoter-proximal RNA Polymerase II stalling, epigenetics and alternative RNA 3´-end formation 😀. Application link:…

Postdoc position in our group. Topic at the interface of promoter-proximal RNA Polymerase II stalling, epigenetics and alternative RNA 3´-end formation 😀. 
Application link:…
Pan Zhu (@panzhu_wlu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thanks a lot to the nomination by my amazing colleagues! Thanks the former “Genius” that have built this fantastic trophy 🥰🥰🥰

Caroline Dean (@carolinedeanlab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Very thrilled to see our Cell Reports paper now online. We show that plant PRC2 accessory proteins contain a polymerization domain with a novel structural fold. We further show that polymerization is required for FLC repression during vernalization.…

brangwynnelab (@brangwynnelab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

What physics sets the size distributions of physiological & pathological condensates? Check out this joint paper with the Wingreen group, led by our former student Daniel SW Lee + coauthors David W. Sanders!, Chang Choi Lien Beckers, Josh Riback

What physics sets the size distributions of physiological &amp; pathological condensates? Check out this joint paper with the Wingreen group, led by our former student <a href="/danielswlee/">Daniel SW Lee</a> + coauthors <a href="/DavidWSanders2/">David W. Sanders!</a>, Chang Choi Lien Beckers, <a href="/SuperSciJew/">Josh Riback</a>
Svenja Reeck (@reesvenja) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Wednesday and Thursday we will build a Lego microscope at the Norwich Science Festival 🧱🔬🌱 Here you can already see a flower cross section using a low magnification lens.

Plant Physiology (@plantphys) 's Twitter Profile Photo

TOPICAL REVIEW: Flowering time: from physiology, through genetics to mechanism (Robert Maple, Pan Zhu, Jo Hepworth, Jia-Wei Wang, Caroline Dean) Robert Maple Pan Zhu Dr Jo Hepworth Caroline Dean ASPB #PlantSci

TOPICAL REVIEW:  Flowering time: from physiology, through genetics to mechanism (Robert Maple, Pan Zhu, Jo Hepworth, Jia-Wei Wang, Caroline Dean) <a href="/Bobby_Mapes/">Robert Maple</a> <a href="/PanZhu_WLU/">Pan Zhu</a> <a href="/joahepworth/">Dr Jo Hepworth</a> <a href="/CarolineDeanLab/">Caroline Dean</a> <a href="/ASPB/">ASPB</a> #PlantSci