Palatka Panthers Football (@palatkapanthers) 's Twitter Profile
Palatka Panthers Football


Official Twitter page of Palatka High football. Tradition-Pride-Excellence “Be Your Best” BeElite

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calendar_today28-12-2017 20:03:34

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The Winning Difference (@thewinningdiff1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"It's not about the outcomes; it's about the inputs. The person who builds better habits is going to get better results. Over time, your edge - the margin where you're going to 'win' - your separation - it's going to come from the input. It's not going to come from the output."

Jamy Bechler (@coachbechler) 's Twitter Profile Photo

PLAYERS: Your coach shouldn't have to beg you to be unselfish, provide energy, have a good attitude, or give your best effort. Those are all things you can control. That is what a winning teammate brings to a team. Great teams have great teammates.

The Winning Difference (@thewinningdiff1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

“It’s not what your capable of, it’s what your willing to do. I know plenty of people that are capable, I know fewer people that are willing,” Mike Tomlin Your capability doesn’t separate you from anyone however, your level of discipline, humility, effort and integrity will.

The Winning Difference (@thewinningdiff1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

You can't want: more playing time a bigger role leadership responsibilities championships to play at the next level If you don't want: to work hard to make sacrifices to discipline yourself to be coached to be held accountable Wants come with requirements.

You can't want: 
more playing time
a bigger role
leadership responsibilities
to play at the next level

If you don't want:
to work hard
to make sacrifices
to discipline yourself
to be coached
to be held accountable  

Wants come with requirements.
Palatka Panthers Football (@palatkapanthers) 's Twitter Profile Photo

So proud of the Panthers! A long week and they came together and fought and played together till the end. Thank you Terry Parker Football for the kindness and support. Good luck this season! #8!