Jesse Martin
recently submitted PhD. ECR in palaeoanthropology and archaeology working at Drimolen South Africa and in Australia.
ID: 948075863333105665 02-01-2018 06:17:54
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Ubiquitously absent from this article is the real reason for 'delays' to building projects, and that is developers' insistence on ploughing through cultural heritage sites. Delays are easily avoided - don't propose to destroy Aboriginal Cultural heritage.…
Thanks to Adeshola Ore for working with us to get the truth told about Victoria's Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act. Much respect to Uncle Bert, BJ, and my Wadawurrung colleagues. #vicpol…
Latest paper in SAJournalofScience on the ~1.9-1.8 Ma SK 54 cranium from Swartkrans in South Africa, which is Homo, not Paranthropus, as previously assumed, led by PhD student Jesse Martin @ltuarchaeology @ujpalaeo…
Our paper in SAJS argues the iconic sk54 fossil represents Homo, not Paranthropus, challenging traditional narratives that cast Homo as hunter and Paranthropus as hunted.… SAJournalofScience
Congratulations to @ltuarchaeology PhD student and now 'Dr' Jesse Martin Jesse Martin for passing their PhD without amendments. "New fossil hominins from Drimolen & their implications: a case study for the reassessment of hominin taxonomy & systematics" very proud of you! La Trobe University
The 2.04-1.95 Ma DNH 155 Paranthropus robustus ukusa cranium found at Drimolen by the @ltuarchaeology La Trobe University UJ Palaeo-Research Institute Palaeoanthropology Field School in 2018 on show at Maropeng in South Africa