Paco Dardón (@pacodardon) 's Twitter Profile
Paco Dardón


Internist & intensivist made @incmnszmx | Interested in critical care, hemodynamics, MV and #POCUS. Also fan of literature, music, films and life curiosities 🔍

ID: 1669230774

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Dr G Rajesh (Gopalan Nair Rajesh) (@drrajeshg1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Cath tracing For fellows. Simultaneous LV-PCWP tracing in a patient getting treatment as “right heart failure”. What am I trying to demonstrate?

Cath tracing For fellows. Simultaneous LV-PCWP tracing in a patient getting treatment as “right heart failure”. What am I trying to demonstrate?
🇳🇴🇩🇰Asbjørn Støylen 🇺🇦🇵🇸 (@strain_rate) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🧵On the Wiggers diagram. It is an illustration of temporal relations of atrial, ventricular and aortic pressures with ventricular volumes, in a simplified, schematic illustration of the main relations, for basic teaching purposes, but is not the full truth about physiology.

🧵On the Wiggers diagram. It is an illustration of temporal relations of atrial, ventricular and aortic pressures with ventricular volumes, in a simplified, schematic illustration of the main relations, for basic teaching purposes, but is not the full truth about physiology.
IMCrit (@im_crit_) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ICU Hemodynamics Secrets: Actually, these are not secrets at all; they reflect common, basic knowledge. But the word “secrets” is more clickbait-y! Here it begins: 1. You don’t have to check for fluid responsiveness (FR) if the patient is bleeding to death…

Antelm Pujol, M.D. (@antelmpujol) 's Twitter Profile Photo

😴🚩¿CÚAL ES LA INTERVENCIÓN NO-FARMACOLÓGICA QUE MEJORA MÁS EL DESCANSO NOCTURNO? ✅El entrenamiento de FUERZA. ‼️Este mejora la calidad y cantidad de descanso más que el ejercicio cardiovascular, técnicas de meditación, medidas de higiene del sueño… ✅Revisión sistemática y


✅El entrenamiento de FUERZA.

‼️Este mejora la calidad y cantidad de descanso más que el ejercicio cardiovascular, técnicas de meditación, medidas de higiene del sueño…

✅Revisión sistemática y
Paco Dardón (@pacodardon) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Felt exactly the same when I saw Table 2 of #PREOXI. So you're saying that your control group was sedated, paralized, not ventilated during 1-2 minutes and surprisingly got more hipoxemia? 🤯 As we would say in Mexico, ¡No podía saberse! 😯

Felt exactly the same when I saw Table 2 of #PREOXI.

So you're saying that your control group was sedated, paralized, not ventilated during 1-2 minutes and surprisingly got more hipoxemia? 🤯

As we would say in Mexico, ¡No podía saberse! 😯
Nick Mark MD (@nickmmark) 's Twitter Profile Photo

You've probably heard "don't give lactated ringers because it raises lactate" This statement is ~98% false, but there's one crucial practice-changing fact that you need to know. A 🧵 all about lactic acid and lactated ringers! 1/

You've probably heard "don't give lactated ringers because it raises lactate"

This statement is ~98% false, but there's one crucial practice-changing fact that you need to know.

A 🧵 all about lactic acid and lactated ringers!
Paco Dardón (@pacodardon) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Se desbloquearon mil y un recuerdos... Para quien no lo conozca, el video fue grabado dentro de las instalaciones del Taller.

Kwok Ho Sánchez Suen (陈国豪) (@kwokho123) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Un amortiguamiento inadecuado de la línea arterial causa un registro erróneo de la presión invasiva. El amortiguamiento de la línea arterial puede valorar con el "fast flush test".

Dr. Ángel G. Nájera Albarrán (@angna_86) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Tuvimos la oportunidad de presentar este caso en #SOLACICACI24 acerca de sonotromobolisis para mejorar la tasa de reperfusión en pacientes con #STEMI comparto hilo con el caso🧵SOLACI Neisser M 先生 Neto M.D. 1/7 ...

Tuvimos la oportunidad de presentar este caso en #SOLACICACI24 acerca de sonotromobolisis para mejorar la tasa de reperfusión en pacientes con #STEMI comparto hilo con el caso🧵<a href="/solaci_online/">SOLACI</a> <a href="/mornei2011/">Neisser M</a> <a href="/Ernesto_AM_MD/">先生 Neto M.D.</a> 1/7 ...
Nick Mark MD (@nickmmark) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Legitimately practice changing: the #TIGHTK multicenter open label RCT found that in post-op cardiac surgery patients, repleting potassium to 3.6 mEq/L was non-inferior 4.5 mEq/L but saved substantial RN ⏱️ time & 💰 money ($111 per pt).…

Legitimately practice changing: the #TIGHTK multicenter open label RCT found that in post-op cardiac surgery patients, repleting potassium to 3.6 mEq/L was non-inferior 4.5 mEq/L but saved substantial RN ⏱️ time &amp; 💰 money ($111 per pt).…