P3 Driver 🇺🇲2020 was stolen🇮🇱
Pronouns: Christ / follower. ✝️
One day every knee will bow, and every tongue confess Jesus is King.
Typo proficient.
Didn't pay for the check mark.
ID: 17903343
05-12-2008 18:02:59
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24,24K Following

JUST IN: Kamala Harris visits the southern border for the first time in three years after letting over 10 million illegals enter the country. Harris, who is suddenly pro-wall, previously called the wall Trump's "medieval vanity project." "Trump's border wall is a complete waste

Chart from ~~datahazard~~ - give them a follow. Kamala Harris quote is from this video: x.com/SaraCarterDC/s…

.Primanti Bros refused to let JD Vance in to their restaurant full of customers waiting to greet him. They all paid for their drinks, cancelled their food orders and left after hearing that VP candidate was not welcome. Here was his response #Trump2024Vance #RepublicanParty #GOP

Kamala Harris is literally buying votes. She has to pay people to show up at her campaign events. Look at the white vans bussing fake supporters into Primanti Bros! 🥴🥴🤒 #BoycottPrimantiBros