Had my other account closed for speaking the truth.
It won't stop me though.
ID: 1665668484951429122
05-06-2023 10:35:21
118 Tweet
5 Following

He's only had these kids cause he will need them to be a donar to him, Nick Cannon cant even give the kids the attention & time, thank god Mariah Carey fucked him off & makes up for the man child. Those women need to be dealt with, choosing to have kids with a deadbeat #bagup

We all knew the murdering beady eyed nonce Bill Gates was behind it, pushing his evil agenda, bet thats why #lindagates divoreced his noncy arse cause she found out how evil HE is. #peoplekiller #billgatesisamurderer #DeathSentenceforbillgates

Kiddie sniffer Joe Biden admits he sold state secrets but i don't see FBI CIA arresting him. Oh wait he ain't Donald J. Trump he grroma kids openly admitted it, killed 13 marines, gives every pennynof tax money to Volodymyr Zelenskyy / Володимир Зеленський who's nothing but a dirty terrorist #fjb #jbpedo

A country at war sure has enough people travelling to it, another photo opportunity for Volodymyr Zelenskyy / Володимир Зеленський with the puppet everyones had their hand up Greta Thunberg the bitch who "rides" her bike everywhere. #puppetmeetsfraudster #hishandhasbeenupit #spastics

Wave if your a nonce Justin Trudeau waves...dirty rotten pedophile needs his grubby little dick chopping off. Canadianss don't like you Justin Trudeau resign, you won't win next election kiddie fiddler #JustinTrudeauisanonce #JustinTrudeauout #anotherjimmysavile