Outreach (@outrchcatholic) 's Twitter Profile


God loves you. We're an LGBTQ Catholic resource from @americamag.

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linkhttp://outreach.faith calendar_today29-04-2022 08:24:26

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Outreach (@outrchcatholic) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Billy Bean, the former MLB outfielder who came out as gay in 1999 and then led the charge to make his sport more inclusive, died Aug. 6 in New York. America Magazine senior editor Jim Keane looks back at Bean’s career and impact on the game. outreach.faith/2024/08/rememb…

James Martin, SJ (@jamesmartinsj) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Excellent essay on the life of Billy Bean, the pioneering gay outfielder who challenged baseball's homophobia, who died on Aug. 6. Great reporting from Jim Keane, literary editor of America Magazine (and baseball fan and fellow Loyola Marymount University grad). outreach.faith/2024/08/rememb…

Outreach (@outrchcatholic) 's Twitter Profile Photo

“The North Carolina case stems from 2014, when Charlotte Catholic High School fired Lonnie Billard, a substitute teacher who also taught drama, after he announced on social media that he and his longtime same-sex partner were getting married.” NCR ncronline.org/news/no-challe…

Outreach (@outrchcatholic) 's Twitter Profile Photo

If you enjoyed our latest piece by Jim Keane about the trailblazing outfielder Billy Bean, check out Michael O’Brien’s report from February on how U.S. sports leagues can better support LGBTQ athletes. outreach.faith/2024/02/u-s-pr…

Outreach (@outrchcatholic) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Sunday Gospel reflection: “We tend to have short-term spiritual memories. When things get tough, then, it helps to look backwards at what God has already done, to help us move forward.” James Martin, SJ outreach.faith/2024/08/why-di…

Outreach (@outrchcatholic) 's Twitter Profile Photo

“My inquiry was not combative, the way it had unfolded in my head. We had wine and we were enjoying one another’s company.” Seandor Szeles outreach.faith/2024/08/some-f…

Outreach (@outrchcatholic) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New at Outreach: "If somebody that is struggling with either their sexuality or their spiritual life reads my comments online, will my words push them closer to or farther away from God?" outreach.faith/2024/09/a-plea…

Outreach (@outrchcatholic) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Join Outreach in Boston! A group of Boston-based volunteers are hosting a social gathering, with a conversation with Outreach executive director Michael J. O'Loughlin, on Monday, Sept. 23. Register today!

Join Outreach in Boston! A group of Boston-based volunteers are hosting a social gathering, with a conversation with Outreach executive director <a href="/MikeOLoughlin/">Michael J. O'Loughlin</a>, on Monday, Sept. 23. Register today!
Outreach (@outrchcatholic) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Check out our updated #Outreach2024 conference page for a photo gallery and videos of our Masses and keynote talks! outreach.faith/conference-out…

Check out our updated #Outreach2024 conference page for a photo gallery and videos of our Masses and keynote talks!

Outreach (@outrchcatholic) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Photos and videos from Outreach 2024 are now live! Grateful to everyone who was able to join us in D.C. last month! Take a look here: outreach.faith/conference-out…

Photos and videos from Outreach 2024 are now live! Grateful to everyone who was able to join us in D.C. last month! Take a look here: outreach.faith/conference-out…
Outreach (@outrchcatholic) 's Twitter Profile Photo

From 2022: “Where was God on 9/11? Judge would encourage us to see that God was not absent on that day. God was present in the heroic acts of self-sacrifice that the first responders offered.” outreach.faith/2022/09/new-bi…

Outreach (@outrchcatholic) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A fixture in the firefighting community, Father Mychal Judge was also an advocate for the homeless and a well-regarded parish priest. From 2021: "A gay saint? L.G.B.T. groups are pushing for 9/11 hero Father Mychal Judge’s canonization" americamagazine.org/politics-socie… by Michael J. O'Loughlin

Outreach (@outrchcatholic) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Why do the disciples not understand suffering? Suffering, as Easter reveals, is never the last word. A Sunday Gospel reflection from James Martin, SJ, available at Outreach: outreach.faith/2024/09/why-do…

Michael J. O'Loughlin (@mikeoloughlin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New at Outreach: James Martin, SJ reflects on what he learned listening to other Synod delegates, and offers his responses to their anti-LGBTQ positions: outreach.faith/2024/09/synod-…

Jarek Pachocki OMI (@jarekpachocki) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Very insightful reflection by Fr. James Martin, SJ on the power of listening. Engaging with those who hold different views fosters understanding and empathy, especially within the Church. #Synod2024 #LGBTQ via Outreach outreach.faith/2024/09/synod-…

Outreach (@outrchcatholic) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Join Outreach executive director Michael J. O'Loughlin in Boston on Monday, for a social gathering to talk about LGBTQ issues and the church! Register today! (There may even be some Outreach-branded swag... đź‘€)

Join <a href="/OutrchCatholic/">Outreach</a> executive director <a href="/MikeOLoughlin/">Michael J. O'Loughlin</a> in Boston on Monday, for a social gathering to talk about LGBTQ issues and the church! Register today! (There may even be some Outreach-branded swag... đź‘€)