Outpost Movies
Nazi Zombie action-horror from Glasgow based @BlackCamelPic. 2nd installment out NOW in the UK, 3rd installment in post production!
ID: 83618712
http://www.facebook.com/outpostthemovies 19-10-2009 15:04:27
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New Competitions! Two new competitions on the #FrightFest website, win DVDs from Arrow Video here goo.gl/OH4lp

With the All-Nighters now over the next #FrightFest event is our return to Glasgow Film Festival on 22/23 February 2013, start planning now!

RT James Thompson: Is it wrong to actually hope for a Zombie Apocalypse? So I can have this guy carry my training bag

RT Horror Movies 2112 : RT Arrow in the Head: Check out a cool exclusive clip from the upcoming Outpost: Black Sun!... fb.me/yB7H4cbo

Who's going?! “Film4 Fright Fest: #FrightFest returns to Glasgow Film Festival on 22/23 Feb. Details of tickets, films, guests & more coming soon"