Nathan Brown
Geomorphology, active tectonics, geochronology, thermochronology, luminescence. Assistant Professor @utarlington
ID: 1282815352787709953 13-07-2020 23:13:16
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Huge 🎊✨🎈congrats 🎈✨🎊to Diana and cindy lou for their 🏆winning presentation at the UTA Science DISCOVER showcase!!! UTA Geo Society UTA Earth & Environmental Sciences
🚨 New paper alert!!! 🚨 Check out our (Greg Balco+Nathan Brown+Keir Nichols+me!) The Cryosphere #EGUhighlights paper on reversible ice sheet thinning connected to Holocene grounding line retreat and re-advance near Thwaites Glacier. 🇦🇶🧊↔️ International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration
I just sent an urgent message telling my representative to prioritize gun safety--like expanding background checks and reinstating the Assault Weapons Ban--and to oppose gutting our gun laws. Join me! #FedUp Moms Demand Action
So excited for Yike Shen |沈忆珂 to come start #ShenLab!!🎊🎉
🚨PhD Position🚨Come work with me and Matthew Fox to unlock secrets of cosmogenic nuclides within river sand. Fieldwork in Hawai'i and Sierra Nevada (US). Labwork EarthSciences UCL London Geochron Centre, SUERC Noble Gas Laboratory and School of Earth and Space Exploration Group 18 Labs. Details @
Our paper on IRSL and cosmogenic nuclides in bedrock cores collected beneath Pope Glacier (right next to @glacierthwaites) was published a few weeks ago in EGU Cryosphere! 🥳🏔️🇦🇶 Check out this new British Antarctic Survey 🐧 page and 🧵 below 1/10…
That's a wrap for #UTALL at #LED2023CPH 🇩🇰 Kudos to Karissa Cordero and Ayush Joshi for great presentations 👏
Okay this is actually absurd for AGU (American Geophysical Union) registration. Going to be the most expensive way to catch COVID in history.
Excited for #UTALL to do some #NSFFunded research on ventifacts 🌬️🪨at UTA Earth & Environmental Sciences !
#LIAG & Universität Tübingen haben Sumiko Tsukamoto auf die #Professur Quartärgeochronologie berufen! Mit geophysikalischen Datierungsmethoden erforscht sie die zeitlichen Entwicklungen im Quartär & betreut fortan Studierende der #Universität. Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
Come chat with me today AGU (American Geophysical Union) from 2:30-5:30 pm about my undergraduate thesis work! Poster No. 0444: A Paleoseismic Investigation of the Marquesado Fault, San Juan, Argentina in Moscone South