O S Hawkins (@oshawkins) 's Twitter Profile
O S Hawkins


Husband to @SusieHawkins1, Chancellor @SWBTS; GuideStone President Emeritus;Former Pastor FBCDallas;Author #JoshuaCode #CodeSeries #InTheNameofGod #Criswell

ID: 495634703

linkhttp://oshawkins.com calendar_today18-02-2012 05:04:42

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O S Hawkins (@oshawkins) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Looking for a Spring get away?Join us at ⁦The Cove⁩ in the beautiful Mountains of North Carolina March 12-14…I will be teaching from my new book THE SPIRIT CODE:40 Bible Truths About the Holy Spirit Every Believer Should Know….for more info go to TheCove.org

Looking for a Spring get away?Join us at ⁦<a href="/TheCoveNC/">The Cove</a>⁩ in the beautiful Mountains of North Carolina March 12-14…I will be teaching from my new book THE SPIRIT CODE:40 Bible Truths About the Holy Spirit Every Believer Should Know….for more info go to TheCove.org
O S Hawkins (@oshawkins) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Pastor a good reminder for a Thursday evening….You are an under shepherd of Christ’s own church-as Paul said to the Colossians you have “received a ministry” from the Lord….your time at your church is a stewardship…Use it wisely for one day you will give an accounting for it.

O S Hawkins (@oshawkins) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Susie and I love this church and her pastor and wife…..Our FBC family will be seeing this historical moment framed now in time for generations to come……

O S Hawkins (@oshawkins) 's Twitter Profile Photo

No one loved laughing and having fun more than WA Criswell…at a deacon’s banquet we had a skit on famous Italians and he, of course, picked this one for his part..

No one loved laughing and having fun more than WA Criswell…at a deacon’s banquet we had a skit on famous Italians and he, of course, picked this one for his part..
O S Hawkins (@oshawkins) 's Twitter Profile Photo

What an honor blessing&joy to spend these yrs volunteering&serving at Southwestern Seminary….we are attracting some of the most powerful young preachers during these days…two MDiv students Charlie and Nick who were in my preaching class last year have it written on their face

What an honor blessing&amp;joy to spend these yrs volunteering&amp;serving at Southwestern Seminary….we are attracting some of the most powerful young preachers during these days…two MDiv students Charlie and Nick who were in my preaching class last year have it written on their face
O S Hawkins (@oshawkins) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Kick in the spring with us The Cove in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mts of North Carolina March 12-14….I will be teaching on my new book THE SPIRIT CODE:40 Truths About the Holy Spirit Every Believer Should Know-ck it out at Thecove.org

O S Hawkins (@oshawkins) 's Twitter Profile Photo

There was a prophet among us in 1965…take less than a minute to listen to this—-Paul Harvey: If I were the Devil... youtu.be/S9NoQHgjM_0?si… via YouTube

O S Hawkins (@oshawkins) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This says all you need to know about Sonny and Kate…honoring Shirley Enis in this way is a blessing to all of us who knew and loved her…She and Hunter along with their friends and partners Dick and Mary Lowe are TCU football. Thanks Sonny and Kate…You are loved&appreciated

O S Hawkins (@oshawkins) 's Twitter Profile Photo

“OS Hawkins has written a brilliant, honest, appreciative, and eloquent biography of the legendary WA Criswell…Put this book at the top of your reading list…” R. Albert Mohler

“OS Hawkins has written a brilliant, honest, appreciative, and eloquent biography of the legendary WA Criswell…Put this book at the top of your reading list…” R. Albert Mohler
O S Hawkins (@oshawkins) 's Twitter Profile Photo

My good friend and former US Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman’s new book releases this coming week. It is a page turner and will become a “go to” resource for any and all who have their eyes on Israel and the Middle East. Pre Order now👇 amazon.com/One-Jewish-Sta…

O S Hawkins (@oshawkins) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Make plans now to join us at Billy Graham’s ⁦The Cove⁩ nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina March 12-14…we will be studying the place of the Holy Spirit in the Believers prayer life. Susie and I would love for you to join us in this season of refreshing

Make plans now to join us at Billy Graham’s ⁦<a href="/TheCoveNC/">The Cove</a>⁩ nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina March 12-14…we will be studying the place of the Holy Spirit in the Believers prayer life.  Susie and I would love for you to join us in this season of refreshing
O S Hawkins (@oshawkins) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Holy Spirit didn’t just show up at Pentecost…there are 31,102 verses in the Bible&we see Him 1st in the 2nd verse of the Bible (Gen1:2) and last in the 5th from the end Rev22:17) and all in between…Learn about Him in The Spirit Code releasing in just 5 weeks…preorder now

The Holy Spirit didn’t just show up at Pentecost…there are 31,102 verses in the Bible&amp;we see Him 1st in the 2nd verse of the Bible (Gen1:2) and last in the 5th from the end Rev22:17) and all in between…Learn about Him in The Spirit Code releasing in just 5 weeks…preorder now
O S Hawkins (@oshawkins) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Read a sample of THE SPIRIT CODE: 40 TRUTHS ABOUT THE HOLY SPIRIT EVERY BELIEVER SHOUD KNOW….releases in five weeks….available for preorder now at Amazon or wherever you buy books….all royalties like all Code books go to MissionDignity 👇 amazon.com/Spirit-Code-Tr…

O S Hawkins (@oshawkins) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Starting the final edits on the 400 page manuscript JUST JESUS a 365 day devotional that releases in the fall of 2025-when the cloud receded on the Mt of Transfiguration “they saw no one except Jesus only”— when all is said and done it is JUST JESUS!

Starting the final edits on the 400 page manuscript JUST JESUS a 365 day devotional that releases in the fall of 2025-when the cloud receded on the Mt of Transfiguration “they saw no one except Jesus only”— when all is said and done it is JUST JESUS!
O S Hawkins (@oshawkins) 's Twitter Profile Photo

How the mighty have fallen in the midst of the battle. I loved George Sweeting. Never spoke to him that he didn’t ask “Do you have the joy?” strangfh.com/obituary/dr-ge…

O S Hawkins (@oshawkins) 's Twitter Profile Photo

THE SPIRIT CODE 14th in the Code Series releases in just one month…preorder now and remember that the royalties from this and all the Code books go to support retired pastors and their widows in need in their declining yrs through MissionDignity

THE SPIRIT CODE 14th in the Code Series releases in just one month…preorder now and remember that the royalties from this and all the Code books go to support retired pastors and their widows in need in their declining yrs through MissionDignity