Oscar Rojano
🇲🇽 🇲🇽 |PhD Student @Econhist_ub|Political Economy|Economic History & other stuff que no entiendo ;)
ID: 1810750037653364736
09-07-2024 18:57:13
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Escribí sobre la baja calidad del Estado subnacional, las dimensiones de la estatalidad y la confusión conceptual entre centralización y construcción de Estado, en este libro coordinado por Enrique Cabrero, Guillermo M. Cejudo y Sergio Lopez Ayllon. ¿El Estado contra los estados?

New paper: “(In-kind) Wages and labour relations in the Middle Ages: It’s not (all) about the money” with Vincent Delabastita and SpikeGibbs is now out in Explorations in Economic History. The paper is open access and here is a summary 🧵 (1/16) doi.org/10.1016/j.eeh.…

Four years ago, my coauthors and I traded notes on pro-Trump shifts we observed in Latino precincts across the U.S. There was considerable skepticism about whether these changes were real or durable. Tonight suggests the skeptics were wrong on both counts. cambridge.org/core/journals/…

After years work assembling and organizing it, together with Bruno Calderón, John Marshall and José Luis Perez Castellanos, we present you the "Electoral precinct-level database for Mexican municipal elections" osf.io/6jteh/ dropbox.com/scl/fi/3kqnbel…