Orla Dolan (@orlabdolan) 's Twitter Profile
Orla Dolan


Scientist, Fundraiser, Sports Fanatic-Liverpool FC & Munster Rugby, Netflix addict, Dog mad. YNWA. Proud to be CEO of @BreakthroCancer. Views my own.

ID: 276976162

calendar_today04-04-2011 13:16:06

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Simply Suits (@simplysuits) 's Twitter Profile Photo

As official partner to Cork GAA we are running a very special draw supporting Breakthrough Cancer Research Here goes ⚪️🔴 Donate to link for Breakthrough Cancer Research 🔴⚪️ Retweet ⚪️🔴 Comment “Simply Suits” #CorcaighAbú idonate.ie/fundraiser/Sim…

As official partner to <a href="/OfficialCorkGAA/">Cork GAA</a> we are running a very special draw supporting <a href="/BreakthroCancer/">Breakthrough Cancer Research</a> 

Here goes 
⚪️🔴 Donate to link for <a href="/BreakthroCancer/">Breakthrough Cancer Research</a> 
🔴⚪️ Retweet 
⚪️🔴 Comment “Simply Suits”


Simply Suits (@simplysuits) 's Twitter Profile Photo

.Cork GAA hero’s of 1999 including Dónal Óg Cusack & Seanie McGrath popped in to Simply Suits to help with our fundraiser for Breakthrough Cancer Research To win Tickets ⚪️🔴 Donate to link for Breakthrough Cancer Research 🔴⚪️ Retweet ⚪️🔴 Comment “Simply Suits” idonate.ie/fundraiser/Sim…

Simply Suits (@simplysuits) 's Twitter Profile Photo

84,86,90,99 All Ireland 📸 wins for Cork GAA Want to cheer the rebels on in to #BringLiamHome Simply Suits we’ve a special prize & match tickets To enter ⚪️🔴 Donate to link for Breakthrough Cancer Research 🔴⚪️ Retweet ⚪️🔴 Comment “Simply Suits” idonate.ie/fundraiser/Sim…

84,86,90,99 All Ireland 📸 wins for <a href="/OfficialCorkGAA/">Cork GAA</a> 
Want to cheer the rebels on in to #BringLiamHome
<a href="/SimplySuits/">Simply Suits</a> we’ve a special prize &amp; match tickets 

To enter

⚪️🔴 Donate to link for <a href="/BreakthroCancer/">Breakthrough Cancer Research</a> 
🔴⚪️ Retweet 
⚪️🔴 Comment “Simply Suits”

Simply Suits (@simplysuits) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Want to win a golden ticket 🎫 to watch Cork GAA in their quest to #BringLiamHome Simply Suits we’ve a special prize & match tickets To enter ⚪️🔴 Donate to link for Breakthrough Cancer Research 🔴⚪️ Retweet ⚪️🔴 Comment “Simply Suits” idonate.ie/fundraiser/Sim…

Want to win a golden ticket 🎫 to watch <a href="/OfficialCorkGAA/">Cork GAA</a> in their quest to #BringLiamHome 
<a href="/SimplySuits/">Simply Suits</a> we’ve a special prize &amp; match tickets 

To enter

⚪️🔴 Donate to link for <a href="/BreakthroCancer/">Breakthrough Cancer Research</a> 
🔴⚪️ Retweet 
⚪️🔴 Comment “Simply Suits”

Cork Credit Unions (@corkcus) 's Twitter Profile Photo

WIN some Cork gold dust! 🥳🙌 We're giving away 2 tickets to the All Ireland Hurling Final! 🔴⚪️ To enter all you need to do is: 👉 Follow us Cork Credit Unions 👉 Like & Retweet 👉 Comment with the name of your Credit Union & tag who you would bring. Corcaigh Abú! #Cork

WIN some Cork gold dust! 🥳🙌

We're giving away 2 tickets to the All Ireland Hurling Final! 🔴⚪️ To enter all you need to do is:
👉 Follow us <a href="/CorkCUs/">Cork Credit Unions</a>
👉 Like &amp; Retweet
👉 Comment with the name of your Credit Union &amp; tag who you would bring.
Corcaigh Abú! #Cork
Simply Suits (@simplysuits) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thank You to Eoin English of Irish Examiner for the coverage of our draw for two Cork GAA golden tickets supporting Breakthrough Cancer Research You can still win Tickets ⚪️🔴 Donate to link for Breakthrough Cancer Research 🔴⚪️ Retweet ⚪️🔴 Comment “Simply Suits” idonate.ie/fundraiser/Sim…

Thank You to <a href="/EoinBearla/">Eoin English</a> of <a href="/irishexaminer/">Irish Examiner</a> for the coverage of our draw for two <a href="/OfficialCorkGAA/">Cork GAA</a> golden tickets supporting <a href="/BreakthroCancer/">Breakthrough Cancer Research</a> 

You can still win Tickets 
⚪️🔴 Donate to link for <a href="/BreakthroCancer/">Breakthrough Cancer Research</a> 
🔴⚪️ Retweet 
⚪️🔴 Comment “Simply Suits”

Breakthrough Cancer Research (@breakthrocancer) 's Twitter Profile Photo

There is no safe way to use a sunbed. Using sunbeds has dangerous consequences, and if used before the age of 35, it increases the risk of melanoma, the most serious form of skin cancer, by 75%. #BreakthroughCancerResearch #SkinCancer #ICPN #NCCP #SunSmart #MakeMoreSurvivors

There is no safe way to use a sunbed. Using sunbeds has dangerous consequences, and if used before the age of 35, it increases the risk of melanoma, the most serious form of skin cancer, by 75%.

 #BreakthroughCancerResearch #SkinCancer #ICPN #NCCP #SunSmart #MakeMoreSurvivors
Breakthrough Cancer Research (@breakthrocancer) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📢Our seven Summer Scholars of 2024! Congratulations and welcome to Kimya Ghaffarian, Nazia Rafiq, Adam Daly, Saoirse Doyle, Alex Neuroth, Emily Carvalho and Markus Hahn. Read about their research projects here: breakthroughcancerresearch.ie/news/seven-stu… #MakeMoreSurvivors #CancerResearch

📢Our seven Summer Scholars of 2024!
Congratulations and welcome to Kimya Ghaffarian, Nazia Rafiq, Adam Daly, Saoirse Doyle, Alex Neuroth, Emily Carvalho and Markus Hahn.
Read about their research projects here:
#MakeMoreSurvivors #CancerResearch
Breakthrough Cancer Research (@breakthrocancer) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📺Watch the latest episode in our Cancer Conversations series where Trinity College Dublin PhD student David Hackett & Associate Professor in Translational Oncology Stephen G Maher are joined by Pamela Deasy to talk about #PancreaticCancer Full video here: youtu.be/KpRG6SZ3Mas #CancerResearch

Breakthrough Cancer Research (@breakthrocancer) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Survivor of #ChildhoodLeukaemia Avril Deegan is one of our PhD students Dublin City University She's researching resilience, social support & quality of life amongst childhood leukaemia survivors and their parents. Watch as Avril talks about the importance of support during and after treatment.

Breakthrough Cancer Research (@breakthrocancer) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Cancer can cause subtle or obvious changes in our bodies, impacting how it works, looks or feels. #EarlyDetection is key. This video explains some common signs to watch out for bit.ly/CancerEarly If they persist for 3 weeks or more speak to your GP. #CancerAwareness

Breakthrough Cancer Research (@breakthrocancer) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We’ve been shortlisted as finalists in 3 categories for the 2024 Charity’s Excellence Awards🎉But we need YOUR help🙏🫶We’re in the running for the People’s Choice Award & your vote could really help! We'd be so grateful if you would cast a vote for us 👉 bit.ly/2024Charity

We’ve been shortlisted as finalists in 3 categories for the 2024 Charity’s Excellence Awards🎉But we need YOUR help🙏🫶We’re in the running for the People’s Choice Award &amp; your vote could really help! We'd be so grateful if you would cast a vote for us 👉 bit.ly/2024Charity
Orla Dolan (@orlabdolan) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Unbelievable line up. An opportunity not to be missed! Book your place for this free event as spaces are limited. 🧫🧬🥼🧪🧑‍🔬 #MeetTheExperts #CancerImmunology

Breakthrough Cancer Research (@breakthrocancer) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Don’t Miss - Meet the Cancer Immunotherapy Experts. With A Nobel Prize Winner on the panel and MC Jonathan McCrea it's sure to be an unmissable event. 🗓️ Saturday, August 31st, 2024 ⏰ 4:30pm – 7pm 📍Clayton Hotel, Cardiff Lane, Dublin City Register now bit.ly/31stAugust

Don’t Miss - Meet the Cancer Immunotherapy Experts. With A Nobel Prize Winner on the panel and MC  <a href="/jonathan_mccrea/">Jonathan McCrea</a> it's sure to be an unmissable event.
🗓️ Saturday, August 31st, 2024
⏰ 4:30pm – 7pm
📍Clayton Hotel, Cardiff Lane, Dublin City
Register now bit.ly/31stAugust
Breakthrough Cancer Research (@breakthrocancer) 's Twitter Profile Photo

👩‍🔬We're delighted to co-host a free Public Cancer Research Showcase, Monday Sept. 23rd with Systems Biology Ire Precision Oncology Ireland at University College Dublin You’ll hear from world-renowned experts & explore cutting-edge developments in cancer research. For more info & to book👉bit.ly/UCDLabTour

👩‍🔬We're delighted to co-host a free Public Cancer Research Showcase, Monday Sept. 23rd with <a href="/sysbioire/">Systems Biology Ire</a> <a href="/PrecisionOncIre/">Precision Oncology Ireland</a> at <a href="/ucddublin/">University College Dublin</a> 
You’ll hear from world-renowned experts &amp; explore cutting-edge developments in cancer research.
For more info &amp; to book👉bit.ly/UCDLabTour
Orla Dolan (@orlabdolan) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thrilled to be brining those with a focus on pancreatic cancer together with one common purpose - improve survival. Looking forward to seeing the proposals. 👏👏👏

Breakthrough Cancer Research (@breakthrocancer) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Delighted to work with all these committed partners working together for Irish Cancer Prevention. 👏👏👏 #ICPN #cancerprevention #Collaboration #Partnership