We are "OptiVisT", an European MARIE SKŁODOWSKA-CURIE Innovative Training Network working on fair vision for everyone!
ID: 1357337849343873026
http://www.optivist.eu 04-02-2021 14:39:12
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As a collaborative assignment, OptiVisT ESR9 Mehal and ESR11 Peter Reddingius successfully co-hosted a vision science symposium City, University of London on July 25th '23, with speakers from Crabb Lab Research (London), ARU (Cambridge), University of Oxford & Rigshospitalet (Copenhagen)
OptiVisT ESR Jannet philip from Koninklijke Visio has published her first PhD paper on a novel CVI subtype classification. This could be potentially used for streamlining diagnosis and intervention. Check out her paper: frontiersin.org/articles/10.33…
Check out this systematic review on eye tracking in vision impairment by OptiVisT ESR Ward Nieboer 👏🏻👏🏻
Excited to introduce a new doctoral network PROVIDE-DN. PROVIDE will focused on studying vestibular disorder, debilitating conditions affecting the inner ear that disrupt mobility and balance. The recruitment has started and if you’re interested visit: provide-dn.eu
ESR Dilce Tanrıverdi published her first paper within OptiVisT on rapid assessment of peripheral crowding. Check out the paper link down below. #msca #h2020 #visionscience doi.org/10.3389/fnins.…
OptiVisT ESRs Jannet philip from Koninklijke Visio and Mehal and Peter Reddingius from Crabb Lab Research at #ARVO2024 in Seattle! They had the opportunity to present posters on their PhD research work.
OptiVisT ESR Dilce Tanrıverdi publishes an article in TVST Journal . Congrats Dilce!