Open Science UniBe
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ID: 249563393
http://biblio.unibe.ch/bosb 09-02-2011 09:20:59
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While it's good to see publishers coming out against APCs, the search for a commercially sustainable way to transition humanities publishing to open access doesn't really make sense because humanities publishing isn't all that commercially sustainable. timeshighereducation.com/blog/if-author…

'if universities want to see diamond models proliferate, they must redirect funding towards them and show both presses and authors that this is a viable publishing route.' Good piece on OA books by Lucy Barnes ([email protected]) researchprofessionalnews.com/rr-news-uk-vie…

📢Das Europainstitut Basel sucht ab 01/07/2024 oder nach Vereinbarung eine Hilfsassistenz. Die Stundenzahl wird nach Vereinbarung festgelegt (maximal 50h/Monat). Bewerbungen werden bis zum 20/05/2024 entgegengenommen. ➡️europa.unibas.ch/de/newsdetails…

3 new #DiamondOpenAccess papers published in Glossa-OA @[email protected]. Find them at glossa-journal.org/articles/ Powered by the Janeway platform, copy-edited and typeset by Siliconchips Service, & financially supported by the scholar-owned consortial library model of The Open Library of Humanities.