Andrew Wilson
OU Students Association Deputy President 2024-2026 @OUstudents
ID: 1818943019451928576
http://oustudents.com 01-08-2024 09:33:22
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The OU has collaborated with the charity Made By Dyslexia to support the launch of DyslexicU, a free online university that aims to promote ‘a new school of thought’ by teaching the principles of dyslexic thinking. Read more here: ounews.co/around-ou/univ…

Why upskilling with The Open University is easier than you think... Faculty of Business & Law, The Open University Associate Lecturer Sharon Davidson shares the answers in a recent guest column for Skills Wales, Business News Wales. skills.wales/why-upskilling…

30 years on from the ceasefire, our new OpenLearn resource takes the work of Brian Rowan 'Impossible Peace' and explores the voices behind the ceasefire. Discover the untold stories behind this milestone: open.edu/openlearn/irel…