Nick Blackburn
Senior IT Engineer @ HundredStar Games ⭐
Formerly Lead IT @RocksteadyGames and Content Creator @ValveTime.
Opinions and dumb jokes are my own.
ID: 65658438
14-08-2009 15:21:46
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699 Following

I'm running the #London10km for SpecialEffect with the incredible team from #HundredStarGames! Please consider donating to help us raise money for a great cause! 💵🏃 justgiving.com/page/hundredst…

New Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s victory speech reminded me a little bit of this pep talk by Steve Fleming from The Thick of It. 🗳️ #GE24 #GE2024 #GeneralElection24 #GeneralElection2024 #KeirStarmer #SteveFleming #TheThickOfIt