Omer Lavy
A postdoc who study microbial community assembly at @LabMizrahi, @bengurionu.
ID: 1364147721171525634
23-02-2021 09:39:16
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Kickstarting the HoloRuminant H2020 meeting with Mizrahi Lab and Diego morgavi here in The National Institute for Biotechnology in Negev, Israel! Nice to finally see people face to face after a year or so of Zoom meetings.

We are excited and humbled to accept this prize. Thank you KKL, JNF Canada and the referees for their time and evaluation. Thank you Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, LS_BGU The National Institute for Biotechnology in Negev, the School of Sustainability and climate change and Danny Chamovitz for your continuance support.

Pls RT: Any computational (micro)biologists out there looking for a #postdoc position? ๐ฆ ๐ฉโ๐๐ฉโ๐ป Weโd love to have you in our lab in Jerusalem studying the infant gut #microbiome. There is a 2-week window for a great postdoc fellowship application, so pls talk to me asap.

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Our plasmid workshop together with Alvaro San Millan Shai Pilosof is embracing. Inspiring talks and conversations are taking place while sailing through the plasmid biology ocean. Thank you LS_BGU Ben-Gurion University of the Negev for the support!

It turns out that genes of gut microbes are being horizontally transferred from mothers to babies month after birth. Insightful paper by Xavier Lab

Beautiful new work by the Phil b. Pope uncovering metabolic effects of rumen Protozoa.

๐งฌCheck out our new exciting preprint on the amazing world of plasmids, tiny DNA entities which spread special functions such as antibiotic resistance. We tackled the long-standing question: How do plasmids spread across humans? Shai Pilosof Jonathan Friedman researchsquare.com/article/rs-327โฆ

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Our new paper with the J. Peter Gogarten, led by Israela Turgeman-Grott, is finally out and shows some surprising properties of homing endonucleases within archaeal double inteins. tinyurl.com/4ruey3mv #Haloferax #archaea #inteins #meganucleases

OUT NOW: A gut bacterial plasmid encodes a toxin defense system and facilitates mutualistic exchange of metabolites between bacterial species Mizrahi Lab nature.com/articles/s4156โฆ

๐Delighted to announce our recent publication in Science Magazine! We've unveiled novel Ruminococcal species๐ฆ in the human gut, proficient in cellulose degradation๐พand finely tuned to our evolutionary journey.๐ฌDive into the key findings with us. (1/9) bit.ly/3wUX80G

Want to join our lab for a year? ๐ฆ ๐ฌ Int'l PhD students, get a competitive grant at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)! Details: bit.ly/4aqz83V Questions? ๐คWe're here to help!

๐ฃCalling all #microbiome enthusiasts! join our eco-genomic team Ben-Gurion University of the Negev to unravel microbial community secrets. We're a fun, collaborative group seeking a talented #postdoc & #PhD with #microbiology or #bioinformatics experience. Be part of the microbiome revolution!๐ฌ๐ฆ ๐งฌ