OMiT Brooklyn
@OMiTGG | 2023 Challengers World Champions 🏆 2024 Challengers Grand Finalists l Driving Culture Forward l #OMiTakeover l Biz: @omitrafi
ID: 1513971108365619211 12-04-2022 20:04:35
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Welcome OMiT Brooklyn to the LEGENDS OF 6 Major IV. #Legendsof6Major OMiT Abe OMiT Merc OMiT SparKz OMiT Ryann 📸lotus 🇨🇺 🎨Havoc JceY
.OMiT Brooklyn is up 2-0 vs. SGP ✍️🚨 - MAP 3 LIVE NOW via The Premier Circuit @ LO6 Major IV x LEGENDS OF 6 Major IV Game Arena 🏆 - OMiT Abe OMiT Merc OMiT Ryann OMiT SparKz
IT ALL COMES DOWN TO THIS. THE GUTS, THE GLORY, THE $4k PRIZE. OMiT Brooklyn VS. SGP OMiT SparKz OMiT Merc OMiT Abe OMiT Ryann VS. alec Paul Encourage Hide 🎙️ WAR MATTMAN 🎙️ Qolorblind
Congrats to OMiT Brooklyn your LEGENDS OF 6 Major IV $4,000 champions! OMiT Abe OMiT SparKz OMiT Merc OMiT Ryann
🏆The Premier Circuit @ LO6 Major IV x LEGENDS OF 6 Columbus LAN Champions 2nd Place curse broken: Goodbye MW3, Hello BO6. #OMiTakeover | #WhoHacking